Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
12/16/2008 01:53:00 AM

1. lose weight
2. get my career into high gear
3. face my fears
4. increase my self-esteem
5. improve my love-life
6. feel less depressed and more satisfied with my life
7. learn to cope with work stress
8. free myself from the baggage of my past
These are some of the difficult issues that people usually face. Whether your list matches the one above or not, it may be as challenging. For many people change is too challenging and too difficult. Therefore, they keep recycling their list of desired changes from one year to the next.
How does a person change their life when will-power doesn't work? When will-power fails, where do you turn? People often turn to professionals to help facilitate the changes they desire. Licensed Professional Counselors, Psychologists and Clinical Social Workers specialize in guiding people through the process of change. They help people mobilize their own inner resources toward their desired outcomes.
Over the years many counseling methods have been developed to help people who seek a change in their life. Some therapies only pay attention to behavior, others to thinking or to discharging feelings. Some approaches are long on listening without giving feedback while others seek to analyze and explain every aspect of one's life. Now more research is being done to determine what is and is not effective in helping people create positive change in their lives.
If you want your next year to be your best one yet, do not accept what you have accepted from life thus far. Life will only give you what you accept. Break the box of false contentment you have erected around yourself and step into your destiny.
1. Do you write a list of changes you want to make in your life?
2. What is the one main thing that you would like to change about your own personality in order to improve your life?
3. What are some goals you set yourself for next year?
4. We tend to assume that circumstances change easily and often, but that people change rarely, slowly, and with great difficulty. Do you think that it’s very easy for people to change?
5. People think that they will be happy when they achieve a certain goal in life. However, this is rarely true. Why do you think that are many people are never satisfied with their life? Are you easily satisfied?
6. Do you think that it is possible to be complete content with your life? Do you know anyone who is perfectly content with his or her life?
7. People often complain about other’s faults. If you could change something about someone you know, whom would you change and what would you change about them?
8. Can you remember the day that was perfect? What happened?
9. If you could go back in time and change some aspect of your childhood or your past life, what would you change and why?
10. Think of a mistake you have made this year and what are some positive things you can learn from it?
11. Do you want to put all the bad things that have happened behind, and start fresh?