How do you like Korea?

Most people travel to different parts of the world and experience the new and the different. Traveling, however, takes planning. Before you go to another country, it is a good idea to ask about the country of destination.
Target Phrases
What are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Korea?
If I could visit one place in Korea, which one would you recommend?
When is the best time to visit Korea?
Where is the best place to see traditional Korean culture?
What are some interesting things about Korean culture?
Using the Target Phrases
Ana: Hi, my name is Ana. Nice to meet you.
Hee Jong: Nice to meet you. My name is Hee Jong.
Ana: Ijust arrived in Korea yesterday, and I don’t know much about the country. Can I ask you a couple of questions about Korea?
Hee Jong: Sure.
Ana: What are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Korea?
Hee Jong: There are too many to list. But, you can check out all the famous palaces, temples, mountains…
Ana: Well, if you had to pick one place to go, where would you recommend?
Hee Jong: Umm, I’d say you should go to Kyung Ju.
Ana: Why Kyung Ju?
Hee Jong: Kyung Ju was the ancient capital during the Shilla dynasty. Kyung Ju has many historical sites and attractions. Besides, it’s a beautiful city.
Ana: Could I experience traditional Korean culture there?
Hee Jong: Definitely
Ana: That sounds great. Thanks!
Hee Jong: You’re welcome. Have a good trip
Best Places to go in Korea
Examine the following list of popular Korean tourist attractions. Mark the ones that you have been to or that you know about. Then discuss your travel experiences and which one of the following would you most strongly recommend to a foreign visitor. Add some good reasons for your choices.
Pagoda Park
Folk Village
Yongpyung Resort
Namsan Tower
63 Building
Chamsil Stadium
Piwon (The secret Garden)