Introverts and Extroverts

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 3/08/2009 11:47:00 PM
Personality profiles include extroverts and introverts, which are opposite ends of the spectrum of personality types. Extroverts and introverts are often attracted to one another because opposites attract – but may find it difficult to build a strong relationship or marriage. Though relationship conflict is inevitable resolving conflict is easier when you understand introvert and extrovert personality types

Maybe you need a personality test to scan if you’re an introvert or an extrovert. However, you may just need to determine through the introverts and extroverts to see your own personality profile.

(Introvert personality traits)
Introverts are usually energized by being alone, private, and quiet. Introverts are more
afraid of rejection, and don’t always see the world as a safe place.

(Extroverts personality traits)
Extroverts tend to be energized by groups of people, conversation, and activity. Extroverts
are not afraid of rejection, and see the world as a safer place.

(Synonym Match)

1. Passive
2. Pessimistic
3. Sober
4. Moody
5. Reserved

(a) Aggressive
(b) Excitable
(c) Non Resistance
(d) Impulsive
(e) Negative
(f) Touchy
(g) Serious
(h) Changeable
(I) slow to show emotion

(About You Conversation Questions)
1. What city were you born in?
2. Where do you live now?
3. What is your philosophy about life?
4. Are you religious or agnostic?
5. Who is your favorite actor/actress/singer?
6. What is your favorite food?
7. Are you a morning person or an evening person?
8. Are you a couch potato?
9. What are your plans for the future?
10. What is your favorite book?
11. What do you usually do on the weekends?
12. Are you a moody person?
13. Are you usually optimistic or pessimistic?
14. Are you outgoing or shy?
15. Are you a teetotaler or a social drinker?
16. Are you generous or stingy?

(Cultural Differences)
1. Koreans consider themselves as part of a group first, as individuals second.
Americans consider themselves as individuals first, then as part of a group.
2. Americans like more personal space. They feel comfortable standing about a
meter away from strangers.
3. Creativity and individuality are valued in America, whereas memorizing
data and conformity are valued in Korea
4. In Korea males must do military service, whereas in America military
service is voluntary
5. Koreans are more physical with their friends of the same sex: holding hands
and putting their arms on their shoulders. Korean females often hold hands
while walking and sitting in public. Americans consider being physical with
the same sex as being gay.
6. In general, Koreans prefer to buy new merchandise, such as TVs and cars.
They do not like to buy used things. Many Americans prefer to buy used
things because of the cheaper price
7. Compared to America, Korea is a very non-violent society. In Korea people
are not permitted to own guns. Guns are common in America.
8. Koreans go out in groups . It is considered bad manners to leave the group
before the evening is over. However, for Americans it is fine to leave the
group and do something else or go home.
9. Some Korean restrooms can be used by men and women. This never
happens in America.


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