Dog Meat

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 9/18/2008 01:20:00 AM
Koreans - Killing & Eating Dogs

Did you know that in Korea there is a practice of killing dogs for food. Dog meat is touted as being a substance which can boost the sexual prowess of men. The fact that this theory is absolutely false, makes no difference. A profitable commerce has been established.

The eating of dogs for food is not a new controversy for South Korea, as this photo from 1988 indicates. The photo originally accompanied a story on dog meat sales by The Sun's Lorrie Goldstein during the 1988 Seoul Olympics. The government banned the killing of dogs for food, in locations frequented by visitors, during the Olympics. They were afraid of upsetting Westerners visiting their country.

The Koreans who eat these poor dogs, take great delight in watching the poor animals die, wagging their tails in a last moment's desperate, but futile plea for mercy. It is believed the more the dog suffers in death, the better tasting the meat! Slow hanging and burning the hair off with propane torches is common practice. Cats receive equal treatment, shoved into sacs which are then smashed against brick walls until the poor animals are pulverized. Then they are liquified in blender machines and sold as drinks.

Something to Think About!
Dogs and man have been living together, helping each other, for more than 30,000 years according to anthropoligists. That represents about 1000 generations. Geneticists believe the figure is closer to 100,000 years.

They were dangerous times, 30,000 years ago. Man's weapons for hunting and protection were primitive and enemies were everywhere, two legged and four. Often, a dog's warning of danger was how a man survived. If a dog saved the life of its master 30,000 years ago, then all descendants of that man, also owe their existence to that dog. Supose a man had two children in each generation and that there have been 1000 generations since that time, it means that 2 to the power of 1000 or 21000 would represent the number of people today, who owe their existence to that dog. That number, 21000 is a number greater than all the people who have ever lived! Saving its master's life was common place until fairly recent times. In the last 300 years St. Bernards alone, have been credited with saving over 3000 people from snow avalanches in Europe. Think about how many people today owe their existence to those St. Bernards. Newfoundland Dogs, better not forget them, because over the decades they have saved countless children, adults, and shipwrecked mariners from drowning. It doesn't take a genius to figure that every man and woman on the face of this earth probably owes his/her existence to some dog, way back. Don't you think that dogs have earned special protected status, worldwide.





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