This Fall Is Expected to Be Clear and Mild
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
9/23/2008 05:50:00 AM

According to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA)기상청, this fall is likely to be clear and mild. "Though summer saw frequent sudden downpours as well as heat waves, the weather in autumn will be clear and dry with large differences between morning and evening temperatures - a typical Korean autumn,"said Lee Man-je, head of the KMA.
The temperature is expected to be slightly higher than last year’s 8-19 degrees Celsius in September. High atmospheric pressure from the North Pacific will affect the Korean peninsula, bringing clear and mild weather.

October will see even drier and clearer days with the early morning and daytime temperature differences widening further. There will be some chilly days and the mountainous areas of Gangwo-do and Gyungsangbuk-do are likely to experience frost.
In November, there will be some cold days due to continental high atmospheric pressure. However, the weather will still be dry and mild. But the west coast and Gangwon-do could see some snow.
Also, one typhoon is likely to hit the peninsula. The KMA said there will be 9-10 typhoons in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, one of which will affect Korea.