Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 11/03/2008 05:20:00 AM
Grieving is usually associated with the death of someone important in your life. This can be referred to as "big death", since it usually involves a family member or friend. However, life is full of "little deaths" as well. They occur unexpectedly and take many forms such as: the unexplained loss of a job; the loss of a pet; loss of a budding romance; or an expectation of someone that is not fulfilled. Little deaths also can consist of such things as an investment that goes awry, or a dent in the fender of your new car. And there is always the unexpected illness or injury that forces an immediate alteration in one's lifestyle and relationships.


verb suffer grief; cause great distress.
adverb & adjective away from the expected course or position.
noun a slight hollow in a surface made by a blow or pressure.
verb have an adverse effect on.
noun the mudguard or area around the wheel well of a vehicle.
verb change in character, appearance, direction, etc.

· Are there special rites or ceremonies performed when a person dies in South Korea?
· Are you afraid of death?
· Do you believe in life after death?
· Do you often think of death?
· Do you think that there is anything worth dying for?
· Do you want to know the date of your death? Why or why not?
· How do you cope with the death of someone special?
· Is organ donation/transplants an option where you live?
· Is the death of a loved one considered a joyful or a sorrowful occasion?
· Is there any person you would die for in order to save? Who is it?
· What are some ways which you can help a family which has just experienced the death of a family member.
· What are your beliefs pertaining to a person's soul once they have died?
· What do you think of suicide?
· What happens to a person's remains after death? (cremation, burial, etc.)
· What is the mourning process?
· Where do we go when we die?
· Would you consider physician-assisted suicide if you were suffering a painful dying experience?
· Who do you think would mourn for you after your death?
· If you were on death row, what would you request for your last meal?
· Why are so many people afraid of death, when it is unavoidable?
· What would happen if you died?
· On account of your beliefs or some other reason, do you look forward to dying?
· Have you ever had to put a pet to sleep?
· Do you believe that you will be born again?
· What should you say to someone who has lost a loved one?
· Why is facing death a difficult experience?
· How does a person cope with death of a friend or loved one?
· What are some reactions to death of a friend?
· How do your national customs surrounding death reflect the values of your country?
· What are some funeral customs in your country
· If you were given the chance to have someone die with you, who would that person be?
· Have you ever thought you'd like to die?
· How does it feel when your loved one dies and you were unable to see them for the last time?


At death's door: If someone looks as if they are at death's door, they look seriously unwell and might actually be dying..



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