Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
11/10/2008 01:51:00 AM

The new discovery is a huge step forward from earlier technology that only allowed the concealing of two-dimensional objects. In the future, scientists could make “invisibility clothing” to hide people and large objects. However, scientists are still a long way from designing and manufacturing invisibility cloaks. The U.S. military is extremely interested in developing this idea to bring the technology to the battlefield. The U.S. Army Research Office funded part of Dr. Zhang’s research. The technology could also lead to more powerful microscopes that are able to look more closely at living cells and even tinier objects. This means scientists could look at how viruses are formed and how they grow.
INVISIBILITY discussion:
· What springs to mind when you hear the word “invisible”?
· Would you like the ability to become invisible?
· What would you do if you could become invisible?
· What uses could an invisibility cloak have?
· What do you think of Professor Zhang’s research?
· Do you think invisibility is something only from science fiction?
· What do you think of the idea of a two-hour invisibility pill?
· Would you like a job as a researcher?
· Can you remember how the new technology works?
· Are you interested in reading about new discoveries in science?
· How much would you pay for an invisibility cloak?
· How do you think invisibility cloaks would change the battlefield?
· What kind of large objects might people want to hide, and why?
· What other huge steps forward have you read about recently?
· Do you think other countries will worry about America’s invisibility technology?
· Do you think more powerful microscopes will find things we never knew existed?
· Do you think this new discovery will help in fighting diseases?
Idioms of the day:
give him the slip: leave him; hide from him
example: I think that man is following us. Let’s give him the slip!
a grey area: something that is difficult to define
example: I researched your case but there are not any black and white answers. Your situation seems to fall into a grey area.
give him credit: acknowledge an achievement or contribution of someone
example: Although he is not easy to work for, you have to give him credit for managing the company well.