The Travel Bug
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
12/11/2008 02:07:00 PM

Have you ever had the desire to wander the world and see what was out there? While some people prefer to stay in the comfort of their own home, others have been bitten by the travel bug and can't wait to explore the world. Exotic places call to them. "Come visit me and I will show you my mysteries," they say.
Have you ever had the desire to wander the world and see what was out there? While some people prefer to stay in the comfort of their own home, others have been bitten by the travel bug and can't wait to explore the world. Exotic places call to them. "Come visit me and I will show you my mysteries," they say.
Every year millions of people pack their suitcases or put on backpacks and flock to visit the seven continents of the world. They wander through the castles and museums of Europe, and the cities and natural wonders of North and South America. Some visit the vast exotic cultures of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The great outback of Australia is a wonderland for those who go there. And a few lucky people even make to the most mysterious continent on the earth- Antarctica.
Why do people want to explore the world? It gives them a better perspective about the earth and the people living on it. It opens their minds, it gives them a feeling of accomplishment, and it makes them feel alive. So save some money, get your passport ready, and see the world. It will change your life forever.
travel bug (idiom) - strong desire to travel
to be bitten by the travel bug (idiom) - kind of a cute way to say when someone begins to want to travel. After the "bug" bites you, you will really want to travel.
to wander - to go from one place to another without any definite plans
to be in the comfort of (one's) own home- to be at home, in a familiar or comfortable place
to explore - to look around and find out new things
exotic (adjective) - strange, mysterious, exciting, unknown
mystery - something unknown, something that needs to be found out
to flock - large amounts of people go to the same place at the same time
vast (adjective) - very large
perspective - view, way of seeing things
accomplishment - feeling like you have done something important and good
Getting Away
travel bug (idiom) - strong desire to travel
to be bitten by the travel bug (idiom) - kind of a cute way to say when someone begins to want to travel. After the "bug" bites you, you will really want to travel.
to wander - to go from one place to another without any definite plans
to be in the comfort of (one's) own home- to be at home, in a familiar or comfortable place
to explore - to look around and find out new things
exotic (adjective) - strange, mysterious, exciting, unknown
mystery - something unknown, something that needs to be found out
to flock - large amounts of people go to the same place at the same time
vast (adjective) - very large
perspective - view, way of seeing things
accomplishment - feeling like you have done something important and good
Getting Away
Travel, Korean Style
The travel bug has bitten Koreans. Although most Koreans have only been able to travel since the late 1980’s, they are making the most of his opportunity. Koreans are traveling everywhere on the globe. Some people prefer a winter vacation as opposed to a summer one. They prefer a warm climate during the cold months at home. Others prefer traveling during the summer months, when the climate is more moderate in their host country. No matter what of year, Koreans are filling the buses to Incheon airport.
It may come as a surprise to many Koreans, but Westerners, for the most part, have not been traveling for much longer than Koreans. It was only after the Second World War that their parents and grandparents started to leave their homes and travel to exotic destinations. It was only in the 60’s that travel by young people really opened up. At that time, young people were turning out by thousands. They were going to Europe, Asia and Mexico, hoping to find the meaning of life.
Food is still a primary concern for Koreans when traveling abroad. Many Koreans still haven’t acquired a taste for foreign food. They bring their own with them or go on package tours in which Korean food is guaranteed. Initially, Western parents did the same thing. Nowadays, fast food restaurants are commonplace and Westerners don’t have the same problem. Also Westerners have become more accepting of foreign food and may be more willing to try local delicacies. This is because of their longer travel experience and also because many Western countries are quite multicultural. In the future, Koreans may well follow this same path.
1. Do you prefer planning your own itinerary or do you prefer to join in a package tour?
2. What is the best way to get an authentic taste of an area in a short time?
3. What is the main reason you (would) travel; to learn something new, to relax, for a change of scenery, or for some other reason?
4. Do you (or would you) make an effort to learn about culture, history, geography of an area before you visit it?
5. List the most popular tourist destinations for Koreans. What it is about each of these places that is attractive?
6. Do you consider sampling the local food and drink to be an important part of experiencing the culture of a country?
7. Do you (would you) take Korean food with you when you travel?
1. What do you enjoy most about traveling? What is your biggest complaint about it?
2. Have you ever had any hellish travel experience, like lost luggage, stolen money or passports, delayed or missed flights?
3. Where would you expect encounter:
· The warmest hospitality?
· The rudest service?
· The most vibrant lifestyle?
· The most relaxed lifestyle?
· The worst traffic and transportation?
· The dirtiest living conditions?
4. Some places are considered more dangerous than others. What places would you consider really dangerous to visit?
5. Do you think Korean employees receive enough holiday entitlement, compared to employees in other developed countries?
6. Do you usually travel light? Or do you take everything with but the kitchen sink? What item do you consider absolutely essential when traveling?
7. How is traveling with friends different from traveling with your family? Which do you prefer?
8. Have you ever been really sick while on vacation? Have you injured yourself? Did you require hospitalization?
9. Do you think the security measures that are in place at airports these days are lenient, adequate or excessive? Have you ever had your luggage searched? How did you feel?
10. How do you go about choosing your vacation destination? Is cost the primary consideration?