You Are What You Drive
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
11/24/2008 12:45:00 AM
When someone purchases a new car, there are a lot of factors motivating their choices. Consciously or unconsciously, we choose our car based on who we think we are or who we want to be. This is because, at some level, we know others are judging us when we are in very public settings like streets and highways.
But cars not only project messages to others, they also reinforce the ideas that we have about ourselves. Think about it: there aren’t many good reasons for buying a new car given that they depreciate in value so rapidly. Besides, no one really needs a new car when a reliable used car can be purchased for a fraction of the price. So, there must be something else motivating people to make such large purchases, and considering the price tags, that motivation must be quite strong.
Discussion A:
1. What message do you think the following people are conveying with their cars?
· A middle-aged man driving a sports car.
· A young mother driving a luxury SUV.
· A young man driving a minivan.
· An older man being driven in a black luxury sedan.
· A young woman driving a small sporty two-seater.
2. According to surveys conducted in North America, the color of your car also says a lot about who you are. Do you agree with the following? Is it true in your case?
You’re outgoing and impulsive with a youthful attitude, but easily bored.
You have great style and are often successful, but you tend to be pompous.
The first choice of doctors and drivers who are reliable and methodical.
Expresses understated good taste and indicates a safe, cautious driver.
A team player who’s sociable and friendly, yet lacks imagination.
3. How much do you care about what kind of car you drive? What do you think your car says about you? Do you think that you consciously chose your car based on the messages that it communicated to others?
4. Describe the interior of your car. It is neat or cluttered? Is it personalized or does it look the same as it did when you bought the car? What do you think people would think about you if they took a ride in your car?
5. How much time do you spend taking care of your car? What are some of the things that you do take care of it?
6. What kind of car do you dream of owning? What do you think it says about your personality?
7. Research has shown that men want power and performance from their cars, and women want safety and reliability. What do you think this says about men and women?
Discussion B:
1. Do you know who is a backseat driver?
2. What is road rage? Have you ever witnessed an incidence of road rage?
3. Generally speaking, do you think it is safe to drive in Korea?
4. Have you ever driven in any other countries? How did it compare to driving in Korea?
5. Which are of Korea is the most scenic to drive in?
6. Where is the most dangerous place to drive in Korea?
7. Have you ever been involved in a serious traffic accident? Do you know of anyone who has? What happened?
8. How do you usually get to work?
9. Who’s the best driver you know? Why do you think that person is a good driver?
10. Who do you think are better drivers: men or women? (just because there are few women drivers, it doesn’t mean they are worse drivers than men.)
11. Who are better bus and taxi drivers: men or women? Who do you trust more?
12. Do you think Korean drivers have a good reputation, or are they regarded as maniac behind the wheel?
13. North Americans can obtain a driver license when they turn 16. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
14. Do you know anyone who has driven drunk? Do you know anyone who was caught by the police driving while under the influence? What happened?
15. Do you think Korean car insurance rates are too high?
16. What is your favorite domestic car? Chairman, Tico, etc? Why?
17. Would you be embarrassed to drive a Tico? What do you think of Ticos?
18. What do/ will you consider when buying a new car? (price, color, fuel efficiency, etc.)
19. Would ever consider buying a foreign car?
20. If you won an expensive car like an Equus in a contest, would you keep it or sell it?
21. What is your favorite foreign car? Are Japanese cars well-made?
22. Have you ever driven a car while traveling in a foreign country?
23. When travelling in Korea, do you prefer to travel by car, train, or bus?
24. Have you ever ridden a motorcycle or scooter? What do you think of this form of transportation?
25. What do you consider to be the safest form of transportations?