Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
2/17/2009 12:22:00 AM

Dad was 26 when he went to Germany as a civilian employee of the United States army. It was there that he began picking up the free cigarettes that were issued to the military. That’s how he started a lifelong addiction to smoking. He has regretted it ever since, but he’s hooked and can’t stop.
The cigarette companies know a good thing when the see it. They are now supplying free cigarettes to the men and women stationed in the Persian Gulf. What a terrific opportunity to zero in on a potential market of over 230,000 future smokers. You can be sure they are making the most of it.
What burns me up is that the cigarette companies are trying to look patriotic. They say they want to “make a contribution” to our men and women in uniform. If this is so, why didn’t they send playing cards, board games, or paperback books? (Pocketbooks) I’ll tell you why. Because they know that nicotine is highly addictive. Some researchers say it’s harder to stop smoking than to get off heroin or cocaine. Cigarette companies figure that if they can hook even half of these soldiers they will have at least 115,000 new customers.
War itself is plenty dangerous. Why should we allow a company that sells a habit-forming, cancer-causing product to give it to our soldiers? Does this make any sense?
Somebody with high visibility and clout should make some noise about this. The tobacco companies should not be permitted to seduce our troops, who are putting their lives on the line in combat and should not have to continue to risk their loves after the war.
What do you think?
1. What do you think about cigarette companies supplying free cigarettes to people in uniform? Is it morally OK?
2. Describe how people start smoking.
3. Talk about your first cigarette and how you felt at the time.
4. Have you ever tried to quit smoking?
5. What do you think is the best way to quit?
6. Why do you continue to smoke?