I am what I am

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 2/24/2009 12:55:00 AM
I'm a 24 year old, introspective male, taciturn as a clam. I prefer the quiet of my own thoughts to the sound of my voice, or for that matter, other's prattle. I think a garrulous person is deep-down insecure. He hides his inadequacy behind his motor of a mouth. An empty can makes a loud noise. I could tell right off the bat which of these couples sitting on the park bench are newbie and which ones are old-timers with stable relationships. The new couples are uncomfortable with silence, so they fill up all space with endless gab. Blah blah here, blah blah there, blah blah everywhere. Their chatter hides their insecurity. The stable ones enjoy moments of silence, secure in each other’s presence. Silence is golden and talk is cheap, I should tell you. My girl dumped me because she pesters me to speak up and share my thoughts, but I'm not built like a chatterbox . Can't she take me for what I am?


1. Introspective – Reflective
2. Taciturn – Silent
3. Prattle - Chatter
4. Garrulous - having the habit of talking a lot, especially about unimportant things
5. gab - to talk continuously and eagerly, especially about unimportant matters
6. Pesters - to behave in an annoying manner towards someone by doing or asking for something repeatedly


1. Do you like talking? Why or why not?
2. Do you like listening? Why or why not?
3. Do you think that talking is more important than listening? Why?
4. What do you think of silent people? Talkative people?



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