Romantic Relationships In The Workplace

Given the amount of time we spend in the workplace, it is natural that personal romantic relationships between employees may develop. And it is just as natural that some of those relationships will not last. Relationships at work raise many potential issues.
Possible Issues or Problems
- Sexual Harassment Claims – If one partner is having a hard time with the break up he/she may make unfounded claims.
- Company caught in the middle. If a relationship goes bad and gets ugly the company may suffer as a result of the tension and bad blood that may result. The former romantic partners may be unable to function together in the work place.
- Decreased productivity
- Her: “Well, considering how much time we spend at work it definitely gives us more time together. If we didn’t work together we wouldn’t see each other that often.”
- Him: “It’s a lot less effort. This arrangement is much more convenient because if I want to see my girlfriend I don’t have to leave the office and travel to see her. She is not only close to my heart she is also in close proximity as well.”
- 3rd Party: “A personal relationship can be built on a foundation already crafted by the office relationship we’ve established beforehand. The 2 people already have spent time together and know quite a bit about the other person which means less time will be wasted discovering things about your partner.”
Workplace Dating Guidelines
- Check to see if you company has an employee dating policy
- No means No. If you ask out a co-worker and you are told that he/she is not interested do not ask again. Repeated attempts could be considered sexual harassment.
- Develop a professional relationship before you attempt a personal one.
- Come to grips with the reality that relationships don’t always work out for the best. If things don’t work out you will still have to work with the person you were dating.
- Once the relationship has been established do not flaunt it in the workplace. Keep your business and personal relationships separate.
- Be honest and inform your employer about the relationship.
What is your opinion of romantic workplace relationships?
Have you ever been involved in this type of a relationship?
Have you ever been tempted to ask a co-worker out on a date?
What are some other (not listed above) problems with dating in the workplace?
What are some other (not listed above) rules or guidelines that should be followed?
What are some other (not listed above) advantages or good points to this type of a relationship?
What are some ways to convert a professional relationship into a romantic one?
“What's nice about my dating life is that I don't have to leave my house. All I have to do is read the paper: I'm marrying Richard Gere, dating Daniel Day-Lewis, parading around with John F. Kennedy, Jr., and even Robert De Niro was in there for a day.”
—Julia Roberts (Actress)
"Whenever I date a guy, I think, "Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?"
—Rita Rudner (Comedian)
“Employees make the best dates. You don't have to pick them up and they're always tax-deductible.”
—Andy Warhol (Artist)