Surprising Traits That Reveal Your Personality
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
2/10/2009 12:20:00 AM
By: Natalie Josef
Did you know that people who like golden retrievers are usually laid back, enjoy nature, and can be too trusting? Did you know that people who list ice cream as their favorite dessert are into sports and hate giving up the remote? All of our choices—even tiny ones—can reveal certain aspects of our personalities. Do you know what you’re revealing about yourself?
Empty or Un-Personalized Desk
Candy Bowl/Lots of Supplies
Mohawks, Multi-Colored Hair, Unique Styles

What Your Office Workspace Says About You
A study at the University of Texas Austin found that offices can reveal much about a worker’s personality and dedication to the job. In general though, a worker with a highly personalized space is one who is secure about her position and claiming her space.
Empty or Un-Personalized Desk
This indicates either a lack of dedication to the job or someone who is generally dissatisfied with the job—in either case, not a good sign.
Plants, whether they are cared for or not, reveal that a worker is planning to stay at the job.
Candy Bowl/Lots of Supplies
This worker wants people to come visit her and is an extrovert—shy or introverted types would never put anything on their desks that would draw others into their spaces.
Motivational/Inspirational Items
This is an ambitious person who is dedicated to his job and wants to remain engaged—can indicate someone who wants challenges and a chance to prove himself.
Family Photos
Family Photos
This can go two ways. If the photos are placed for others to see, it’s usually a status symbol and done more for the appearance. If the photos are placed for only the worker to see, they are usually genuine reminders of loved ones, which can motivate the worker or ease the guilt of spending so much time away from the loved ones.
Excessive Post-It Notes
Indicates the worker is feeling overwhelmed and not able to keep up.
Short Hair
If a woman has a well-maintained and carefully-cut short hairstyle, it can reveal that she is artistic and wants to express herself through her hair. Any high-maintenance hairstyle can be a sign of wealth or that a woman cares about her looks, but short hair requires frequent trips to the stylist, a sign that the woman is okay with spending money to look good. According to Dimitrius, “Spending a significant percentage of one’s income on hair—or any other aspect of personal appearance—suggests vanity, a need for acceptance, concern about others’ perceptions, and possibly insecurity.”
Long Hair
Long hair can have multiple meanings. Many women believe that long hair makes them more sexually appealing, but it can also show a bohemian spirit or a need for freedom. Women over forty with long hair can be trying to hold onto their youth (and sex appeal) and may be unrealistic in their perceptions of themselves.
Gray Hair
Women who go “naturally” gray are comfortable with who they are. They have their own opinions about what looks good and what they like.
Mohawks, Multi-Colored Hair, Unique Styles
Obviously this shows that the wearer bucks tradition and doesn’t care what people think of her. The wearers are usually young and adventurous, but wearing these styles into adulthood reveals a woman who has little regard for what conventional society (employers, authority figures) thinks of her.