What's Your Blood Type?
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
2/22/2009 10:34:00 PM

What can be said about personality types? Type A people are earnest and creative, but also perfectionists. Type B people are spontaneous, but also selfish and irresponsible. Type O can be vain and rude. On the positive side, they are curious and generous. As for people who are type AB, they are arty, but tend to be moody as well.
Of course, the scientific community in Japan considers the idea a sham. Unfortunately, not so the general public. Matchmaking services look to blood types when introducing men and women, for example. Women's magazines stock their pages with articles, romantic advice, and predictions too. Some companies have been known to assign projects based on the blood of employees. And more than a few employers regularly query interviewees about their blood type, with the intention of determining which prospective applicants may or may not provide a good fit with the existing corporate structure.
It boils down to discrimination, and even comes with a term: "bura-hara." "Bura" stands for blood, and "hara" stands for harassment. It also doesn't seem likely to diminish in popularity any time soon.
Do you agree or disagree? Why?
1. Your birth year has an effect on your personality.
2. Your birth month has an effect on your personality.
3. Your blood type has an effect on your personality.
4. Horoscopes should be followed closely because they offer good advice.
5. There are certain colors, numbers, and animals that are luckier than other colors, numbers, and animals.
Talk about the following questions.
1. What do you think about blood types? Do they really affect personality?
2. How accurate are horoscopes? Why do you think so?
3. Do you think some signs or blood types are more compatible in relationships? Why/not?
4. If a horoscope predicted love, money, or problems, would you look for love, money, or problems? Why/not?
5. Why do people follow horoscopes and pay attention to things like blood type? Please explain your opinion.