Baby on the Way
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
3/01/2009 10:18:00 PM

Anticipate the feelings that most new parents experience," says Lerner. Moms, for example, are frequently exhausted and overwhelmed, and can feel that "nobody does it better," so they have to do everything themselves. Dads might feel that they can't do anything right, and have no place in the newborn's life.
No matter how much a couple wishes for a baby and feels that their life is in order, the reality is always a major challenge.
pregnancy - Giving birth, idioms and expression
about pregnancy, birth and parenting
Discussion guide
1. What are the pros and cons of having a baby when you are young? (younger or early twenties) How about when you are old? (late thirties / forties)
2. What do you think is the most recommended age for having a baby? When can you say you are ready to have a child?
3. What were your difficulties during your pregnancy or your wife’s pregnancy?
4. Where were you during the labor and birth delivery of your wife? What did you feel that time? Why do some men feel that they should be in the delivery room? Why do you think there are some women who want their husbands or partners to be in the delivery room?
5. Do you have any unforgettable experience during the birth delivery of your child? How did you feel when you saw your baby for the first time?