The End of the World?
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
4/28/2009 06:09:00 AM

by Britt Gillette
Since the beginning of human history, speculation about the end of the world has fascinated mankind. Myths and stories about the end of the earth exist in almost every religion and culture ever known. And yet, somehow, men seem unsatisfied with the answers they receive. They turn to Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or ancient Hindu writings hoping to uncover some modicum of truth that will satisfy their innate desire to know something about the future and the ultimate fate of the world.
Never has mankind’s fascination with the end been more prevalent than it is today. Fears of global warming saturate the news media. Worry over a nuclear holocaust persists into its sixth decade. And storylines of asteroids, comets, aliens, or bio-engineered super-diseases wiping out all planetary life continue to dominate the themes of many Hollywood blockbusters. Throughout the world, people are plagued with the same recurring questions. Will the human race become extinct? Will nuclear war or global warming destroy the biosphere? Will the world as we know it continue to exist?
The answer to these questions and many others concerning the end of the world can be found in the Bible. The bible has much to say about the ultimate fate of the earth, the people who live here, and creation itself.
· Do you frequently worry about the ultimate fate of humankind? How about sometimes?
· If scientists or politicians discovered that the world would soon end, do you think they would make it public? Why/not?
· If scientists or politicians discovered that the world would soon end, would you personally want to know about it? Why/not?
· What are the chances that a natural disaster of some kind will cause the death of humankind within your lifetime? Please explain.
· As improbably as it may be, what would you do if you woke up one morning and discovered that all of humankind had disappeared? Please explain.
· As improbable as it may be, what would you do if you woke up one morning and discovered that only you and a few neighbors remained on the entire planet?
· Would you sacrifice yourself in order to save all of humankind? Why/not?
· Would you continue to live life as usual if you knew the end of the world was fast approaching? Why/not?
· Have you prepared in any way whatsoever to survive a major disaster? Please explain.
· What movies have you seen about the end of the world? Are any of these movies even somewhat believable? Why/ not?
· Which is most likely to wipe out humankind, an asteroid, a bio-engineered virus, or a nuclear war? Why do you think so?
· What three things would you do if you knew the world was going to end in one week?
· If the world were soon going to end, what regrets would you have? Please explain.