Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
4/23/2009 05:04:00 PM

Traditions are also observed during important moments of our lives such as weddings and funerals. In a traditional British church wedding, the bride wears a long white dress while the groom wears a black cloak and top hat. The bride's father escorts her to the front of the church and she is attended by brides maids when she leaves. The groom, accompanied by the "best man" brings a gold ring which is placed on the bride's finger after the couple have made serious promises. The groom is then allowed to kiss the bride.
Discussion questions:
1. Do children in your country learn traditional songs which their grandparents also
know? What are these songs about? What instruments are used to play these songs?
2. Does your country have any traditional dances for special ceremonies at different times
of the year? Describe the dances and the traditional dance costumes.
3. What are the traditional sports in your country? Is your country still good at these sports? Describe the traditional clothing.
4. What traditional food and drinks do you have in your country?
5. In Britain, when you are invited to a dinner party, it is traditional to bring a bottle of
wine and flowers or chocolates for the hostess. It is normal to arrive on time, but not
too early. What happens in your country?
6. London businessmen used to wear grey suits and bowler hats. They also carried
umbrellas and read The Times newspaper. What is the traditional image of
business people in your capital city?
7. In very traditional British schools, the pupils stand up when the teacher enters the
room. Teachers used to wear square black hats and long black gowns. It is also
traditional to have school assemblies before morning lessons and to sing a special
school song at the end of term. Do schools in your country have similar traditions?
8. When are the traditional ceremonies in your country and what happens?
9. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony in your country.
10. Describe the traditions relating to your country’s Royal Family, Centre of Government
or System of Justice.
PHOTO CREDIT: www.korea.net/News/News/NewsView.asp?serial_n...