All About Illnesses

The mode of being healthy includes, as defined by the World Health Organization, a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the presence of disease or infirmity". When these conditions are not fulfilled, then one can be considered to have an illness or be ill. Medication and the science of pharmacology is used to cure or reduce symptoms of an illness or medical conditions. Developmental disability is a term used to describe severe, life-long disabilities attributable to mental and/or physical impairments.
- Do you regularly go to work even if you're sick? Why/not?
- Have you ever been bed-ridden? If yes, what happened and how long were you like that? If no, can you imagine being in the condition?
- Have you ever had to stay in the hospital? If yes, what happened that required the stay?
- Have you ever had an operation? If yes, tell your partner about it.
- How many times have you been sick this year? Is that more or less than usual? Please explain.
- When you have a cold, what do you usually tend to do? Please explain.
- What are some home remedies for the common cold in your country? How effective are these remedies? Please explain.
- What do you think is the most frightening disease out there? Why do you think so?
- If your friend were sick and in the hospital, what would you do to cheer him up? What gift(s) would you buy him?
- What do you know about the following diseases?:
- 1) HIV
- 2) cancer
- 3) influenza
- 4) heart disease
- 5) dementia
- Have you ever had side effects from medicine? If yes, please explain.
- If you died prematurely, would you want your organs donated? Why/not?
- If your husband, wife, or child died prematurely, would you donate their organs? Why/not?
- Some people have a dislike or lack of trust of doctors. How about you?
- Some people have an intense dislike or fear of needles. How about you?
- Some people have a dislike of medicine, avoiding them unless absolutely necessary. How about you?
- What do you think the "Friday Monday Syndrome" means? Discuss possible answers with a partner. Remember to support your ideas.
- "Prevent is better than the cure." What do you think this means? Discuss possible answers with a partner. Remember to support your ideas.
- What is the average age of death in your country? Has it increased or decreased in recent years? How does it compare with other countries?