What's on Your Bucket List?
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
5/26/2009 12:33:00 AM

A bucket list is a "to do" list before you kick the bucket, or die. Many people want to learn a foreign language someday, skydive, or travel to exotic locations around the world. The list should be inspirational, which balances the more boring facets of everyday life. You don't need to live each day as though it were your last day. Yet the list should help you plan imaginative, colorful, and even courageous acts. Explore your imagination, for human nature requires more than an endless series of identical days. In addition, the list can contain items which enrich the lives of others, too.
So what's on your bucket list?

1. I want to quit my job and follow my dreams.
2. Life is boring!
3. There are many things I want to see and do before I die.
4. There are many things I want to see and do before I die, but I probably won't have the opportunity.
5. Dreams and life goals are very important.
Comprehension: Talk about the following questions. Remember to support your answers!
1. What are some activities you would put on your bucket list?
2. What are some popular activities that appear on many bucket lists? Why do you think these are popular?
3. How realistic is it to write a bucket list, and then do the activities listed? Please explain.
4. What kind of dreams do you have? Will any of these dreams come true? Why/not?
5. Why is it important to have dreams or goals to work towards?
PHOTO CREDIT: www.flickr.com/photos/er3465/2280650380/