Speak Business English like an American

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 6/03/2009 02:39:00 PM
In this lesson we will practice conversation on everyday business situations and use most important idioms and expressions related to jobs and the workplace.

Talking about a New Project

Carl, Greg, and Anne work for WaterSonic Corporation. Recently, the company has come up with an idea for a new electric toothbrush.

Dialogue Practice:

I think we’ve come up with a winner.

Anne: I agree. The new Brush-o-matic toothbrush should be a blockbuster!
Carl: Our designers have already made up some prototypes. The toothbrushes have a tooth-whitening attachment and many other bells and whistles.
Greg: We should fast track this project. Let’s try to launch it in time for the holiday season.
Anne: This will be a great stocking stuffer!
Carl: We definitely need a big win for the holidays.
Anne: This is a great idea. We’re going to make a killing.
Greg: Let’s not talk about this project to anybody who doesn’t need to know. We’ll keep it under wraps.
Carl: I agree. Mum’s the word. We don’t want any of our competitors to get wind of the idea and rip it off!
Anne: Right. Let’s meet again on Monday morning and discuss our game plan for getting this project off the ground!


(to) come up with a winner to think up a very good idea
EXAMPLE: Everybody likes Pepsi’s new advertising campaign. Their advertising agency has come up with a winner.

blockbuster a big success; a huge hit
EXAMPLE: Eli Lilly made a lot of money with the prescription drug, Prozac. It was a real blockbuster.

bells and whistles extra product features, usually using the latest technologies; product features which are attractive, but not essential for the product to function
EXAMPLE: Our office just got a new copier with all the bells and whistles. I’ll probably never learn how to use all of its features!

(to) fast track a project to make a project a high priority; to speed up the time frame of a project
EXAMPLE: Let’s fast track this project. We’ve heard rumors that our competitors are developing similar products.

stocking stuffer a small gift given at Christmas time
EXAMPLE: These new mini travel pillows will make great stocking stuffers!

big win a huge success; a successful product
EXAMPLE: The drug company spent millions on research and development, hoping that one of their new products would be a big win.

(to) make a killing to make a lot of money
EXAMPLE: Suzanne made a killing on her Google stock and retired at 40.
SYNONYM: to make a fortune

(to) keep something under wraps to keep something secret; to not let anybody know about a new project or plan
EXAMPLE: I’m sorry I can’t tell you anything about the project I’m working on. My boss told me to keep it under wraps.

mum’s the word let’s keep quiet about this; I agree not to tell anyone about this
EXAMPLE: Please don’t tell anybody about our new project. Remember: mum’s the word!

(to) get wind of to find out about something, often sensitive information
EXAMPLE: When the restaurant owner got wind of the fact that one of his waiters was stealing money from the cash register, he was furious.

(to) rip off to copy an idea; to steal
EXAMPLE: Why doesn’t the Donox Company ever think up any original ideas? All they ever do is rip off their competitors!

EXAMPLE: The software company’s game plan is to expand its operations into China and India over the next year.

(to) get something off the groundto get started on something, often a project
EXAMPLE: We’ve been sitting around talking about this project for months. It’s time to take action and get it off the ground!



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