Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
1/27/2009 10:04:00 PM

Real pro-lifers believe life begins at conception and that abortion is first-degree murder; that is, the premeditated killing of a human being. If abortion is premeditated murder, then all 50 US states already forbid it, for every state in the union forbids murder. Problem is, the US courts have muddled the "legal definition" of human life to permit abortion, which is why they occur at a rate of some 3,000 per day.
Still, the question is why pro-lifers fight for laws, such as those requiring parental consent, which are intended to slow the killing. If they believe abortion is first-degree murder, then parental consent laws merely require a parent's permission for a minor to murder her child.
Likewise for "informed-consent" laws, which require doctors to explain a baby's gestational stage, and the potential dangers to the mother, before an abortion. The Supreme Court recently "approved" such a law in Indiana, termed one of the "most restrictive in the nation."
In truth, the law "restricts" nothing; it does not abolish abortion or stop just one abortion. If the pro-lifers are right, that abortion is murder; the doctor is simply explaining the danger of murdering the child.
Word Power
Pro-lifer – a person who is anti abortion
Comprehension Questions
Why do pro-lifers consider abortion as murder?
What are the pro-lifers fighting for in the States?
What is the status of the abortion law in the US?
Critical Thinking Questions
What is your stand about abortion? Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
What is your government’s standpoint in abortion? Is it legal in your country? Why? Why not?
If murder is prohibited in almost all countries of the world, then why is abortion permitted to be carried out?
Still, the question is why pro-lifers fight for laws, such as those requiring parental consent, which are intended to slow the killing. If they believe abortion is first-degree murder, then parental consent laws merely require a parent's permission for a minor to murder her child.
Likewise for "informed-consent" laws, which require doctors to explain a baby's gestational stage, and the potential dangers to the mother, before an abortion. The Supreme Court recently "approved" such a law in Indiana, termed one of the "most restrictive in the nation."
In truth, the law "restricts" nothing; it does not abolish abortion or stop just one abortion. If the pro-lifers are right, that abortion is murder; the doctor is simply explaining the danger of murdering the child.
Word Power
Pro-lifer – a person who is anti abortion
Comprehension Questions
Why do pro-lifers consider abortion as murder?
What are the pro-lifers fighting for in the States?
What is the status of the abortion law in the US?
Critical Thinking Questions
What is your stand about abortion? Are you pro-life or pro-choice?
What is your government’s standpoint in abortion? Is it legal in your country? Why? Why not?
If murder is prohibited in almost all countries of the world, then why is abortion permitted to be carried out?