Marriage Not the Goal for All Cohabiting Couples
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
1/27/2009 10:11:00 PM

This suggests that for many people, living together is not a step on the road to marriage. More couples live together out of wedlock than ever before, and the reasons why some roommates prefer to stay unwed likely vary. Some may believe that marriage would not alter their situation enough to make it worthwhile. Others may move in with a mate with no plans to marry him. It is suggested, preferring the intimacy and companionship that comes from a roommate, and not from a date or husband.
Although many believed they would never wed their partners, cohabiting does not appear to be replacing marriage, for just as many Americans are marrying now as before. So there are a lot of people who are cohabiting, they want to get married some time, but they don't know when, or with whom. Money is always a woman's number one priority. Rather, women believe that economic stability is a condition of marriage, and they don't want to marry--and perhaps have children--without feeling financially secure.
In terms of why more unwed people are living together than previously, the age at which people are getting married has shown a "steady rise" over the years. And extra time before matrimony gives people the opportunity to have relationships and live with people other than their future spouses.
Word Power
Marriage - a legally recognized relationship, established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners
Wedlock - the state of being married
Intimacy - a close personal relationship
Steady rise - fixed, stable, or not easily moved
Cohabiting - to live together, especially without being formally married
Comprehension Questions
1. What are the reasons why some roommates prefer to stay unwed?
2. What is women’s number one priority? Explain.
3. What gives people the opportunity to have relationships and live with people other than their future spouses?
Critical Thinking Questions
1. Are you pro cohabiting? Why or why not?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of cohabiting?
3. What are the things to consider before cohabiting/getting married?