Happiness is... Family?!
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
3/17/2009 12:17:00 AM

Seventy three percent indicated that a good relationship with their parents made them happy. In addition, when looking towards a role model, nearly half of the respondents mentioned one of their parents. Moms ranked higher than dads, though, with 29% of the vote. Dads garnered 21%.
Other results tend towards the disconcerting. Most of the pollees generally felt happy with the direction of their lives, but the survey discovered a racial divide. Whites tended to be happier across all economic categories than blacks or Hispanics. And as for stress, kids noted a 10% higher rate than adults. For 13-17 year olds, school stressed them out. For those in the 18-24 range, jobs and financial matters caused worry. The middle class and women had slightly elevated stress levels.
The big question came down to the future, and whether today's youth will remain happy. Sixty-two percent of teens believed the future will hold greater amounts of happiness. Pollees in the 18-24 year old range were even more optimistic than their younger counterparts. However, many in both age groups anticipate a more difficult life than their parents' is in store.
cite - to refer to ; especially : to mention formally in commendation or praise: to name in a citation
primary - something that stands first in rank, importance, or value
respondents - one who responds: one who answers in various legal proceedings
garnered - to acquire by effort: earn
disconcerting - to throw into confusion
racial - of, relating to, or based on a race
elevated - to raise in rank or status
optimistic - to anticipate the best possible outcome
counterparts - one remarkably similar to another: one having the same function or characteristics as another
anticipate - to look forward to as certain : expect
Comprehension Questions:
1. Do you agree with the article that family is more important than sex, money, or music? Why/not?
2. What makes a family successful? Why do you think so?
3. According to the article, many think the future will be more difficult. What do you think? Why?
4. Compared to now, did you feel more or less stress when you were younger? Why?
5. If you won $1,000,000, would you be happy? Why/not?