Warmer weather causes headaches
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
3/17/2009 07:33:00 AM

Lead researcher Dr. Kenneth J. Mukamal of Harvard Medical School gave a simple explanation of his research. He said: “In the summer, you may think that ice cream sets off your migraine. But it wasn’t the ice cream, it was the temperature increase on that very hot day that led you to eat the ice cream.” Dr. Mukamal added: “Our results are consistent with the idea that severe headaches can be triggered by external factors. These findings tell us that the environment around us does affect our health.” One doctor said to avoid headaches, we should stay away from things like coffee and wine when the weather suddenly gets hotter. Bad headaches and migraines affect millions. Around 18 percent of women and six percent of men suffer from them.
a) What do you think of Dr. Mukamal’s simple explanation?
b) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘headache’?
c) Do you think changes in the weather can give you a headache?
d) What usually gives you a headache?
e) What do you think is the best way of avoiding headaches?
f) How does the weather change your feeling?
g) Can you remember the biggest headache you ever had?
h) Do you think people living in hot countries get more headaches than those in cold countries?
i) Do you think the weather has affected your health, positively or negatively?
j) What country has the best weather? Do you think people are healthier there?
b) Do you think people get more headaches today than 100 years ago?
c) Why do women get more headaches than men?
e) Does the type of job you do affect the chances of getting a headache?
f) Does studying English give you a headache?