What people do for fashion
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
4/17/2009 06:56:00 PM

This is a photo of a famous singer from Ireland whose name is Sinead O'connor, she shaved her head because she wants people to admire her voice not her looks.
In class give your opinion about these topics:
In this photo even with a shaved head, she is still beautiful but for many people a girl with a shaved is not.
In class give your opinion about these topics:
In this photo even with a shaved head, she is still beautiful but for many people a girl with a shaved is not.
What is your opinion about girls who shave their heads?
Most people believe that if a girl has shaved her head, it must mean she is homosexual, would this also be your opinion and why?
In many societies, it is common that girls have long hair and boys have short. Why do you think that this is common; such as why in so many countries a girl with a shaved head is strange and If a boy has long hair he'll have trouble finding a job.
In ancient Egypt, people had to shave their heads because of Lice which are small insects that live in people's hair.
Buddhist nuns have to shave their heads and some African women have very short hair. Yet in most cultures, women with shaved heads is a strange sight.