Change with the Times
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
5/06/2009 12:52:00 AM

We are in the midst of some of the biggest changes in history. Big businesses are downsizing, the global market is in hyper growth, and the small business sector is expanding at an alarming rate. As the world around us changes, we must learn to change with it or else we will experience confusion, frustration, and stress.
Fear of change is in most cases accompanied by feeling of insecurity and lostness. However, a life without a change is not acceptable. A changeless life is often monotonous and unexciting. The other name for fear of change is Metathesiophobia.
Life is always susceptible to changes and if you suffer from fear of change, you are soon to lose the taste of life. An everyday change in our life is essential, for it opens new opportunities and creates room for adjustments. When you experience a change in life you should ask yourself that what it is that makes you afraid and nervous. When you face fear of change the apprehension seems to evade and once it is gone you can indeed face changes in life as they come to you.
In most cases, you are afraid of changes because you think you don't have the energy and the potential to cope up with something new.
Take help of your inner guidance to get rid of the fear. Accept change as a challenge in life. Laugh your heart out and pass on your joys to others. In fact, a heart full to the brim with joy and enthusiasm has no space for fear and uneasiness.
· Do you fear change? Why/not?
· Would you be happy in a world where nothing ever changed? Why/not?
· How are you coping up with changes happening in our economy?
· If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice, what would it be? Why?
· If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? Why?
· How have you changed since you were in high school? Have these changes been largely positive or negative? Please explain.
· What games did you used to play when you were younger? Do children still play these games nowadays?
· When you were younger, did your parents ever tell you stories about their childhood? Did you believe them? Why/not?
· What do you think about the following statement? Young people today are worse than twenty years ago. Please explain your answer.
· Tastes in fashion and music often seem frozen in the past for older people. Does this describe you? How about the people in your family? Why do you think so?
· How has your neighborhood, city, or country changed over the past 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Has it become a better place? Please explain.
· Imagine that your body had been cryogenically frozen for 100 years. What changes would have taken place while you were frozen?
· Mahatma Gandhi once said, "You must be the change you wish to see in the world." What do you think this means? Do you agree or disagree?
· Do you change your mind often, or are you the kind of person whose opinions are set in stone? Please explain.
· Are you happy with your position in life? If not, what would you like to change?
· Would you ever consider having plastic surgery to change your appearance? Why/not?
· What would you like to change about your partner? Why?
· How much do you think people change after marriage? Why?
· What would you do if your partner told you to change your fashion, job, and/or friends?
· Have you ever changed your style, only to find it was a fashion disaster? Please explain.You were to run into an old friend from high school. What would he say? "You haven't changed a bit!" or "I hardly recognize you!" Why do you think so?