Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
5/07/2009 03:53:00 AM

Mother's Day is a holiday to honor and give thanks to our mothers. People celebrate the day all over the world. In France, a flower-shaped cake is part of the family meal. In the U.S., most restaurants claim this day as their busiest all year. In many other countries, carnations have a special significance.
Although the holiday is very commercial, it's not a Hallmark holiday. In other words, it's not a holiday created by businesses to make money. Mother's Day actually has its origins long ago in ancient Greece.
Many believe that Mother's Day as we know it originated from the British holiday called "Mothering Sunday." All through the Middle Ages in Europe, people brought gifts to their home (or mother). About this time, it also became increasingly common for children to work far from home as servants and apprentices. They would often need the day off to make the journey, which also allowed them to visit their mothers and family. They would bring a cake and pick wildflowers to give as presents, too. From here the holiday was born.
Americans have had a great influence on the holiday, too. A woman named Julia Ward Howe brought the holiday from Britain in the 1870s. She saw it as a way to honor mothers, of course, but also as a way to honor and promote peace. In 1914, Mother's Day became an official holiday, and was quickly commercialized with cards, carnation flowers, and chocolate candy.
Different countries celebrate the holiday on different days. Different countries have adopted different traditions. But one thing remains the same everywhere: it's a day to say to your mom, "Thank you."
Although the holiday is very commercial, it's not a Hallmark holiday. In other words, it's not a holiday created by businesses to make money. Mother's Day actually has its origins long ago in ancient Greece.
Many believe that Mother's Day as we know it originated from the British holiday called "Mothering Sunday." All through the Middle Ages in Europe, people brought gifts to their home (or mother). About this time, it also became increasingly common for children to work far from home as servants and apprentices. They would often need the day off to make the journey, which also allowed them to visit their mothers and family. They would bring a cake and pick wildflowers to give as presents, too. From here the holiday was born.
Americans have had a great influence on the holiday, too. A woman named Julia Ward Howe brought the holiday from Britain in the 1870s. She saw it as a way to honor mothers, of course, but also as a way to honor and promote peace. In 1914, Mother's Day became an official holiday, and was quickly commercialized with cards, carnation flowers, and chocolate candy.
Different countries celebrate the holiday on different days. Different countries have adopted different traditions. But one thing remains the same everywhere: it's a day to say to your mom, "Thank you."
· How do most people celebrate Mother's Day in your country?
· What is the meaning of Mother's Day?
· Do you think Mother's Day and Father's Day are good holidays? Are they important holidays? Why/not?
· What did you do for Mother's Day last year? How about Father's Day? How about your parents' birthdays?
· Did you ever do anything special for your parents? If yes, what did you do?
· What skills and/or qualities does a person need to be a good parent? Why do you think so?
· How have parents changed since you were young? Why do you think so?
· Do you think you are (or will be) a good dad? Discuss your strengths and weaknesses, and how they apply to fatherhood.
· No one is perfect. But do you have a specific regret about your mom or dad, maybe a wish that they had done (or hadn't done) something? Please explain.
· When was the last time you hung out with your mom? What did you do?
· When was the last time you told your mom that you cared about her?
· If you could grant one wish for your mom, what would you give her?
· Let's say that you have to introduce your parents at a large banquet. When you stand up, get everyone's attention, and begin, what exactly do you say? Give a two minute speech.
· Can you think of any famous mother from TV and movies? Why are they famous, or even memorable?
· How has the role of a mother changed in the past fifty years?
· If you had to say one was more important than the other, would you say a mother's role is more important than a father's role, or vice-versa? Why?
· Which is more important, a biological mother or a woman who raises a child? Why do you think so?
· Do you think Mother's Day and Father's Day are good holidays? Are they important holidays? Why/not?
· What did you do for Mother's Day last year? How about Father's Day? How about your parents' birthdays?
· Did you ever do anything special for your parents? If yes, what did you do?
· What skills and/or qualities does a person need to be a good parent? Why do you think so?
· How have parents changed since you were young? Why do you think so?
· Do you think you are (or will be) a good dad? Discuss your strengths and weaknesses, and how they apply to fatherhood.
· No one is perfect. But do you have a specific regret about your mom or dad, maybe a wish that they had done (or hadn't done) something? Please explain.
· When was the last time you hung out with your mom? What did you do?
· When was the last time you told your mom that you cared about her?
· If you could grant one wish for your mom, what would you give her?
· Let's say that you have to introduce your parents at a large banquet. When you stand up, get everyone's attention, and begin, what exactly do you say? Give a two minute speech.
· Can you think of any famous mother from TV and movies? Why are they famous, or even memorable?
· How has the role of a mother changed in the past fifty years?
· If you had to say one was more important than the other, would you say a mother's role is more important than a father's role, or vice-versa? Why?
· Which is more important, a biological mother or a woman who raises a child? Why do you think so?
PHOTO CREDIT: www.sheknows.com/articles/808510.htm