The Internet

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 5/25/2009 01:28:00 AM
  • Do you blog? Why/not?
  • Do you use social network sites like MySpace or Facebook? Why/not?
  • Have you ever considered making a website or blog? Why/not?
  • Are you worried about security online? Why/not?
  • Do you agree or disagree? The Internet is the most important invention of the past fifty years.
  • Do you agree or disagree? The Internet is the most important invention ever.
  • When did you start to use the Internet? Why did you start to use it? Please explain.
  • What kind of sites do you usually visit on the Internet? Please explain.
  • What is your favorite website (or favorite websites)? Why do you like it (or them) so much?
  • How often do you use the Internet? Is this too much or not enough? Why?
  • What are some positive things about the Internet? Why do you think so?
  • What are some negative things about the Internet? Why do you think so?
  • Has the Internet changed society around the world? If yes, how has the Internet changed society? If no, why don’t you think so? Please explain.
  • Could you live without the Internet? Why/not?
  • Would you want to live without the Internet? Why/not?
  • How can the Internet help people learn English? Please explain.
  • How can the Internet help education in general? Please explain.
  • How do you use the Internet for work or for study? Has it helped you? Please explain.
  • How do you use the Internet in general? Please explain.



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