Social Hermits

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 5/25/2009 01:36:00 AM

Do social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter promote social interaction, or do they encourage people to become recluses? The sites - and there are dozens and dozens of them - have now caught on with working professionals. In fact, people over twenty-five are the largest growing demographic of users, primarily because of the increased demands placed on time. People are more harried than ever, with demands at work and at home clamoring for immediate attention. Social networking sites allow people to stay in contact with friends and family, and without scheduling face time.

But other reasons than time management exist. Social networking sites allow users to keep in contact with "proximity friends "- people who are or were close physically but not personally. Think of ex-classmates, ex-colleagues, parents of the children your kids play with in the neighborhood, and friends of friends. We may send these people holiday and birthday cards, call with congratulations of a wedding or a newborn, or express condolences of a death in the family. Face to face contact, however, remains largely nonexistent.

Although people "talk" with one another more frequently, they rarely do so without the forced solitude of a computer. Social networking sites beg the following question then: Are people becoming social hermits?

Do you agree or disagree? Why?

1. My schedule is busier than ever these days.
2. I couldn't live without email.
3. I couldn't live without social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace.
4. Friendships are less important these days.
5. Friendships are shallower these days.

Comprehension: Talk about the following questions . Remember to support your answers!

1. Why do you think more and more people have begun to use social networking sites? Please explain.
2. Are people better or worse communicators because of social network sites? Why/not?
3. What is a social hermit? What images or ideas does this phrase raise?
4. How might social networking sites be used for business or education? What benefits might there be?
5. If there were no sites like Facebook or MySpace, would people once again regularly meet face to face?



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