Lies a Part of Human Nature
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
5/31/2009 09:57:00 PM

We lie to ourselves all the time to make problems, fears, and failures seem less troublesome. A New Year's resolution can be considered a lie, too, because in most cases we don't intend to keep the promise -- we've only deceived ourselves. Or consider the next time a friend or colleague asks, "How are you?" That person doesn't want to hear that you're tired, overworked, underpaid, and have problems with your significant other. Social rules demand that you reply, "I'm fine."
Psychologist Paul Ekman offers some basic reasons for lying. We lie to escape punishment, to get out of uncomfortable situations, to boost our egos, to receive a reward, to protect someone, or to control the flow of information. Everything from a large exaggeration to a small lie falls into one of these categories.
Despite the fact that lying is an indivisible part of our psyche, we can only catch a lie about fifty percent of the time. The success rate is quite low, and suggests that we don't want to know that another person isn't being honest. Lies, some experts suggest, are the glue which holds society together.
Do you agree or disagree
1. Everyone lies.
2. Everyone lies every day.
3. It's impossible not to lie sometimes.
4. Lying is an important part of society.
5. I have told three or more lies today.
- Are you an ethical person? Why do you think so?
- Do you have any friends who often lie? If yes, what do they lie about?
- How often do you think you lie? Is it too much? Why?
- If a store clerk gave you too much change, would you tell him? Why/not?
- Have you ever stolen something? If yes, please explain.
- Are white lies okay? Why/not?
- What situations would it be better to lie than to tell the truth? Why do you think so?
- What is the difference between a lie and an exaggeration?
- When is lying a good thing? Why do you think so?
- Who lies more, men or women? Why do you think so?
- Which nationality do you think lies the most? Why do you think so?
- How often do you lie? Is it too much? Why?
- Do you agree or disagree? The best liars are politicians. Why/not?
- What qualities do you think an ethical person has? Why do you think so?
- Would you lie on a job resume? (Or have you ever lied on a job resume?) Why/not? How about at a job interview?
- Do you trust people easily? Why/not?
PHOTO CREDIT: www.flickr.com/photos/chantellemaris/2219540825/