Study pinpoints ‘fat gene’
Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez
6/01/2009 12:10:00 AM

A study of more than 5,000 pairs of twins aged eight to 11 showed that genes contributed 77% of the amount by which their body mass and waist circumference varied. Only 23% of the differences between the children were due to home environment.
People born with "fat" genes are not inevitably overweight, but have to work extra hard to stay slim, said study leader Professor Jane Wardle, from University College London.
"In today's environment, which provides unprecedented opportunities for people to over-eat and be sedentary, it is not surprising these tendencies result in weight gain," she added.
Source: PA News
focus on talking
- What is wrong with being fat? What bad consequences of obesity can you list?
- Obese people come up with different explanations for their condition. Which of these explanations do you find credible?
‣ I’m big-boned.
‣ It’s glandular.
‣ It’s because of my genes.
‣ I’ve quit smoking.
‣ It’s caused by the medicine I’m taking. - What ways of losing weight do you know? Which of them do you consider effective?
- Which food products do you believe to be especially fattening? Do you avoid eating and drinking some products because you are afraid of putting on weight?
- Have you ever been on a diet? What is the most popular diet at the moment?
- Is obesity a big problem in your country? Is it worse or better than in other countries?
- What are the reasons for this situation?
PHOTO CREDIT: www.users.drew.edu/rdrakesavethewhales2.html