No Kids The Secret To A Happier Marriage

It’s not all bad news for would-be parents. Some couples in the research said their relationship was stronger after their baby was born. Parents who were married for a long time before starting a family were happier. Couples on higher incomes also seemed to have fewer problems. Researcher Scott Stanley said his team’s findings did not mean children bring unhappiness in life. He said that parents may be happier as part of a family than as a childless couple. He noted that “this type of happiness can be powerful and positive”. Stanley also pointed out that couples who did not have children also became unhappier with each other over time. However, he said parenthood accelerated levels of unhappiness.
c. Share the housework
d. Let him drive
e. She controls finances
f. Buy lots of presents
___the first grandchild
4. What did you think when you read the headline?
5. What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘marriage’?
6. Were you surprised by the Uni. of Denver’s research findings?
7. Do you think this research would make couples think twice about having children?
8. What’s the best number of children to have?
9. What do you think it is about having children that reduces marital bliss?
10. What is the “transition to parenthood”? Do you think it’s difficult?
11. What stresses and pressures does a first child bring?
12. Why do unmarried couples have more problems after having a child?
13. What is marital bliss? How long does it last?
14. What do would-be parents think about before starting a family?