Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 6/10/2009 02:24:00 AM
I have been planning to commit suicide for a long time. Although I haven’t yet actually attempted it I have come close enough so that I no longer fear death. When the time comes I have every intention of doing it right.

When I hear of someone who has taken his or her life, I silently applaud the decision. When I hear of homeless people living in boxes under bridges, of people who are trapped in dysfunctional bodies, and of those who are dying a slow death and are racked with pain, I wonder why they feel that life is so precious that they want to continue to live.

Experts tell people who are harboring suicidal thoughts to seek professional help, but they never tell them why. When it comes right down to it, no one is indispensable. We will all die eventually, so of life is lousy, why stick around?

I have found that life’s trials and tribulations are not temporary. When an agonizing situation ends a new one pops up to take its place. I no longer believe that God does not give us more trouble than we can endure or a by life’s cruel blows opt for sleeping pills, a rope, or a bullet in the brain. I see nothing wrong with that. The only reason I am still alive is because I am waiting for my elderly mother to die. She is the only person in my life I care enough about not to hurt. When she goes, I go.

What does it mean?
  • Who are trapped in dysfunctional bodies
  • Harboring suicidal thoughts
  • When it comes right down to it, no one is indispensable.
  • We will all die eventually, so of life is lousy, why stick around?
  • Life’s trials and tribulations are not temporary.
  • When an agonizing situation ends a new one pops up to take its place.
  • Sleeping pills
  • A rope
  • A bullet in the brain

What do you think?

  • Talk about why adults commit suicide.
  • Talk about why children commit suicide.
  • If you knew a man who really wanted to attempt suicide, would you say, “Go ahead?” How could you persuade him not to attempt it?
  • If you saw someone trying to commit suicide, what would you do?
  • What do you think makes people hesitate to kill themselves even though they’re having suicidal thoughts?

PHOTO CREDIT: consumeraffairs.com/news042005/fda_strattera.html



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