Sweeping Tobacco Legislation

Some specific points of the new legislation include:
1: Tobacco companies won't be able to sponsor sporting or entertainment events.
2: Outdoor tobacco advertising will be banned within 1,000 feet of schools and playgrounds.
3: Tobacco won't be sweetened, nor will it contain herbs, spices, or other flavors. As a result, fewer younger smokers will pick up the habit because unflavored tobacco may taste too strong.
4: Cigarettes labeled as "light" or "mild" give the wrong impression of being less harmful. These won't be sold.
1. Do you think the new law can really be called "sweeping?" What do you think will really happen?
2. Do you think a similar law would get passed in your country? Why/not?
3. Do you think that someday smoking will completely disappear? Why/not?
4. Do you think that smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol will be made illegal like other drugs?
5. Why is Obama so keen on passing this bill? Please explain.
6. What do you think about smoking and smokers? Please explain.
PHOTO CREDIT: www.flickr.com/photos/dubby/474185294/