Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/30/2009 12:59:00 AM
For the first half of your life, people tell you what you should do; for the second half, they tell you what you should have done. ~Richard Needham

Sailing and Sex, Opera and the Olympics
- the 60 goals for over 60s

Based on feedback from more than a thousand people over 50, the list is as provides a new insight into the ambitious, upbeat outlook of older people.
Goals vary from the culinary - 'learn to cook'; 'go on a wine tasting course'; 'eat more cakes' - to the creative - 'make a scrapbook of childhood'; 'learn to play a musical instrument'; 'take up painting'; 'design a garden'.
As well as experiences such as 'go to the London 2012 Olympics', 'see an opera' and 'see the Northern Lights', more energetic aspirations include 'have more sex' and even 'run a marathon'.
Thoughtful goals for later life include 'telling someone you love them everyday', 'becoming a volunteer' and 'spending more time with the family'.
And among adrenaline rush fantasies such 'hang gliding', 'swimming with dolphins' and 'taking flying lessons' - there's the literally hair-raising 'grow a beard'.
The list is unveiled ahead of the first ever 'Generation Xperience: UK Older People's Day'.
The day is a celebration of the achievements and contribution that 20 million people over 50 - our 'Generation Xperience' - make to the UK.
It also seeks to highlight the opportunities available to the over 50s by challenging common misconceptions of 'later life', 'retirement', and indeed what it means to be 'older'.
The day also coincides with UN International Day of Older People and the first anniversary of the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations that made it unlawful for employers to discriminate against someone because of their age.
Dr. Aric Sigman, leading psychologist said: "Far from fulfilling age-old stereotypes, this list of 60 personal goals highlights how people are expecting more from older age, in terms of both the opportunities that are open to them and the things they want to accomplish and contribute to society.
While some ambitions might be firmly rooted in fantasy, this age group has many goals that are about achieving a sense of purpose and self-fulfillment. It's great that later life is approached with such a sense of optimism."
Below, you will find a list of 60 goals for over 60s published by the Generation Xperience. Which of them would you like to accomplish?


1. See the world / 2. Learn computer skills / 3. Buy a sports car / 4. Write a book / 5. Learn a new language / 6. Start a new business / 7. Swim with dolphins / 8. Take up a martial art / 9. Go on a cruise / 10. Learn to play bowls / 11. Set up a website / 12. Buy a holiday home / 13. Learn to dance / 14. Go fly fishing / 15. Do a parachute jump / 16. Free the family from debts / 17. Take cookery classes / 18. Go on safari / 19. Learn to play a musical instrument / 20. Have more sex / 21. Learn how to ski / 22. Design a garden / 23. Spend more time with the family / 24. Bungee jump / 25. See a West End show / 26. Go hang gliding / 27. Take up yoga / 28. Go back to school / 29. Go hot air ballooning / 30. Socialize more / 31. Become a volunteer / 32. Learn to meditate / 33. Win the lottery / 34. Go rally driving / 35. Sell up and live abroad / 36. Take up painting / 37. Go horse riding / 38. Own a boat / 39. Go to the opera / 40. Raise money for charity / 41. Make a will / 42. Go on a wine-tasting course / 43. Watch more football / 44. Go to the London Olympics / 45. Break a world record / 46. See the Northern Lights / 47. Be a game/quiz show contestant / 48. Take flying lessons / 49. Grow a beard / 50. Tour the UK / 51. Family photo shoot / 52. Play a round of golf on a world famous course / 53. Teach grandchildren to read / 54. Scrapbook your childhood / 55. Tell someone you love them everyday / 56. Eat more cakes / 57. Run a marathon / 58. See grandchildren get married / 59. Read more books / 60. Start up a band.
Source: http://www.a2mediagroup.com

Focus on vocabulary

1. insight - understanding of what something is like
2. upbeat outlook - positive and enthusiastic attitude to life and future
3. thoughtful - showing that you think about and care for other people
4. hair-raising - extremely frightening but often exciting
5. unveiled - shown or presented for the first time
6. to challenge a misconception - to refuse to accept a belief or an idea that is not based on correct information
7. to challenge a misconception - to take place at the same time
8. self-fulfillment - the feeling of being happy and satisfied that you have everything you want or need

Focus on talking

• Are you afraid of getting old? Why yes/not? Which aspect of aging would be for you most difficult to deal with?

• How do you imagine your life when you are sixty? What will your usual daily routine look like? What kind of activities will you be involved in? What will you spend most of your time on?

• What will you be like as an old person?

• Do you think it is more difficult to stay young in mind or body?

• What does “aging gracefully” mean to you?

• Do you think life of the elderly people is easier now than it used to be? Why yes/not?

• Do you think young people in your country treat the elderly with due respect?


My Students from POSCO Engineering and Construction

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/29/2009 04:18:00 PM
My Students from POSCO Engineering and Construction

These photos was taken during their training


The End of the World?

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/28/2009 06:09:00 AM

by Britt Gillette

Since the beginning of human history, speculation about the end of the world has fascinated mankind. Myths and stories about the end of the earth exist in almost every religion and culture ever known. And yet, somehow, men seem unsatisfied with the answers they receive. They turn to Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or ancient Hindu writings hoping to uncover some modicum of truth that will satisfy their innate desire to know something about the future and the ultimate fate of the world.

Never has mankind’s fascination with the end been more prevalent than it is today. Fears of global warming saturate the news media. Worry over a nuclear holocaust persists into its sixth decade. And storylines of asteroids, comets, aliens, or bio-engineered super-diseases wiping out all planetary life continue to dominate the themes of many Hollywood blockbusters. Throughout the world, people are plagued with the same recurring questions. Will the human race become extinct? Will nuclear war or global warming destroy the biosphere? Will the world as we know it continue to exist?

The answer to these questions and many others concerning the end of the world can be found in the Bible. The bible has much to say about the ultimate fate of the earth, the people who live here, and creation itself.


· Do you frequently worry about the ultimate fate of humankind? How about sometimes?
· If scientists or politicians discovered that the world would soon end, do you think they would make it public? Why/not?
· If scientists or politicians discovered that the world would soon end, would you personally want to know about it? Why/not?
· What are the chances that a natural disaster of some kind will cause the death of humankind within your lifetime? Please explain.
· As improbably as it may be, what would you do if you woke up one morning and discovered that all of humankind had disappeared? Please explain.
· As improbable as it may be, what would you do if you woke up one morning and discovered that only you and a few neighbors remained on the entire planet?
· Would you sacrifice yourself in order to save all of humankind? Why/not?
· Would you continue to live life as usual if you knew the end of the world was fast approaching? Why/not?
· Have you prepared in any way whatsoever to survive a major disaster? Please explain.
· What movies have you seen about the end of the world? Are any of these movies even somewhat believable? Why/ not?
· Which is most likely to wipe out humankind, an asteroid, a bio-engineered virus, or a nuclear war? Why do you think so?
· What three things would you do if you knew the world was going to end in one week?
· If the world were soon going to end, what regrets would you have? Please explain.



Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/23/2009 05:11:00 PM
Youth is associated with innocence, beauty, good health, energy, idealism, curiosity, immaturity, inexperience and rebellion. Old age often implies experience, wisdom, fatigue, failing health and conservatism. For some people it is a time of fulfilment and contentment; for others it may involve cynicism and bitterness. It is sometimes associated with senility when people are forgetful or easily confused.

The physical differences between the young and the elderly are obvious. The average age of competitors in the World Cup or the Olympic Games is likely to be under 35. Medical records show that pensioners require more health treatments than other age-groups.

The notion of youth being rebellious could possibly date from the 1960s when there were many student protests in Western Europe and the U.S.A. More recently, there have been big student demonstrations in China and South Korea. Yet in many other countries, young people are careful to observe the status quo. Respect for elders still seems to be more prevalent in Asia and the Middle East than in Western Europe and the U.S.A. where the average age of political leaders seems to have fallen.

Discussion questions:

1. Are young people better or worse these days? Please explain.
2. Should adults try to teach young people lessons, such as the dangers of drinking too much, taking drugs or contracting the HIV virus, or should they leave them alone to find out about these things themselves? What do you think is the best age to teach them about these things? Explain your opinion.

3. Most countries give young people rights as they reach a certain age. For example, British people can legally make love or fight for their country at the age of 16; they can drink, vote and drive a car when they are 18. Does your country have similar laws? Do you think that any of the age limits need changing?

4. Should young people have to do some form of military or community service by law?

5. Should people of between 60 and 65 be obliged to retire from their jobs in order to make way for younger workers?

6. Are there many things that the old can teach the young or are they hopelessly out of touch by the time they reach a certain age?

7. In most countries, compulsory education is targeted at 5 - 16 year olds. Would it be better to offer it to pensioners who want to learn rather than young people who prefer not to be in school?

8. In Russia, China and many other countries, there is a tradition of choosing leaders who are advanced in years. Do you think that older people make better leaders?

9. Many elderly people have disabilities which limit their mobility. Do buses, shops and public buildings in your country provide easy access for the disabled or are your towns and cities designed mainly for the young and able-bodied?

10. Should the elderly be expected to pay for residential care out of their own savings or should appropriate accommodation and nursing be provided by the tax payer?



Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/23/2009 05:04:00 PM
In a world of technological change, we struggle to keep up with new developments, yet at the same time, many of us welcome the continuity and repetition provided by traditions. Some of our traditions are connected with places; others relate to the calendar and religious or pagan ceremonies.

Traditions are also observed during important moments of our lives such as weddings and funerals. In a traditional British church wedding, the bride wears a long white dress while the groom wears a black cloak and top hat. The bride's father escorts her to the front of the church and she is attended by brides maids when she leaves. The groom, accompanied by the "best man" brings a gold ring which is placed on the bride's finger after the couple have made serious promises. The groom is then allowed to kiss the bride.

Discussion questions:

1. Do children in your country learn traditional songs which their grandparents also
know? What are these songs about? What instruments are used to play these songs?

2. Does your country have any traditional dances for special ceremonies at different times
of the year? Describe the dances and the traditional dance costumes.

3. What are the traditional sports in your country? Is your country still good at these sports? Describe the traditional clothing.

4. What traditional food and drinks do you have in your country?

5. In Britain, when you are invited to a dinner party, it is traditional to bring a bottle of
wine and flowers or chocolates for the hostess. It is normal to arrive on time, but not
too early. What happens in your country?

6. London businessmen used to wear grey suits and bowler hats. They also carried
umbrellas and read The Times newspaper. What is the traditional image of
business people in your capital city?

7. In very traditional British schools, the pupils stand up when the teacher enters the
room. Teachers used to wear square black hats and long black gowns. It is also
traditional to have school assemblies before morning lessons and to sing a special
school song at the end of term. Do schools in your country have similar traditions?

8. When are the traditional ceremonies in your country and what happens?

9. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony in your country.

10. Describe the traditions relating to your country’s Royal Family, Centre of Government
or System of Justice.


How Labor Got Its Day

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/23/2009 12:46:00 AM

May 1—The International Worker’s Rights Day!

If you asked an employee what comes to mind first when they think of Labor Day, what do you think they would say? The last days of summer? A family picnic? Shopping the Labor Day sales?

In the 1800s, mass production was introduced in the United States. Mass production means people worked together in factories to make goods in large quantities. The workers in these places worked long and hard for very little pay. The work was often dirty and dangerous. If workers dared to complain about their treatment, they were fired. Employers had a lot of power because there were always other people who needed a job and would be willing to do the work no matter how badly they were being treated.

The establishment of the Labor Day holiday is really the beginning of the story. There were many things in the workplace that workers wanted to change. More unions were formed. Workers came together to bring attention to how they were being mistreated. They negotiated with employers and lobbied government to increase wages, reduce the hours people worked and improve working conditions. The results of their efforts can be seen in how workers are treated today.


  • What do you do on Labor Day?
  • Do you celebrate Labor Day in your country?
  • How many hours a day do most people work?
  • Do you work on Saturdays and Sundays?
  • Are you paid enough? Why/not?
  • Does your salary more or less equal your job description? Why/not?
  • Have you ever negotiated a pay raise with your boss? If yes, what happened? If no, why haven't you tried to get more money?
  • What's the difference (if any) between a good salary and a fair salary? Please explain.
  • What happens when people work more than 40 hours in a week?
  • What other days do people usually not have to work?
  • Do women get paid less than men?
  • Do people still get injured on the job?
  • What happens if an employee is sick or gets hurt?
  • Can workers be fired for joining a union? For going on strike?
  • What is work-life balance? Please explain.

PHOTO CREDIT: www.azdems-district-21.org/PakAmer.htm



Home robots in Japan

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/21/2009 03:25:00 AM
BNE: A Japanese company started selling a futuristic home robot on September 16. The meter-high humanoid may make housework a thing of the past – for the rich. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries put its internet-linked Wakamaru robot on sale at a price of $150,000. Just 100 of these home helps will initially be available. The robot is the idea of Japanese designer Toshiyuki Kita. He said his creation was “designed in the shape of a human being so that it is not considered simply a machine” and that it has an “independent personality”.

The robot has an impressive number of features. It is capable of recognizing up to ten individuals by name and has a vocabulary of 10,000 words. It can also navigate its way around the house. The Wakamaru website* explains three major functions that will help the lives of the robot’s users: It can live with the family and provide daily schedules; it can speak with the family and be a friend; and it has its own role of looking after the house when no one is home. However, the price needs to come down to make it affordable by all.

  • What do you think about Wakamaru?
  • What do you think of the idea of robots?
  • Are you interested in robots?
  • Do you think robots will become more intelligent than humans?
  • Would you want your robot to have an independent personality?
  • When do you think robots will be as common as cars?
  • Do you think you would have conversations with a robot?
  • Do you think a home robot would make your life better?

PHOTO CREDIT: http://www.mhi.co.jp/kobe/wakamaru/english/know/design/index.html


American Slang - Lesson 1

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/20/2009 04:44:00 PM


Spring Activities

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/20/2009 06:56:00 AM
Spring is a time of renewal for many people. The weather is becoming warmer, days are lasting longer, trees are beginning to bud with new leaves, and flowers are starting to bloom. Birds that had flown south for the winter are beginning to return to our northern climate. New animals are born. There is a new energy in the air.


In the United States, in the spring, people start thinking about planting vegetable gardens. More people come out of their houses to get outdoor exercise. You see more people walking, riding bicycles, and playing outdoor games with their children. Many people also start to think about summer, and planning summer vacations and summer activities with their children.

Discussion Questions:
  • What is it like spring weather in Korea? What is your favorite season? (spring? summer? fall? winter?) And why do you like it?
  • Are there any special holidays or traditions about spring in your native country? Tell about a spring holiday or spring tradition in your native country?
  • Does your native country have a special day in the spring to celebrate flowers, trees, or plants?
  • Does your native country have a special day to celebrate the environment, similar to Earth Day in the United States?
  • Are there special sports or outdoor activities in the spring in your native country?
  • What is your favorite spring sport? Do you play this sport? Do your children play this sport? Do you watch other people play this sport? Do you watch this sport on TV?
  • Do people in your native country enjoy hiking in the spring? If yes, tell about some of the places people like to go.
  • Do you enjoy walking? Where do you like to walk? Where do people go to walk in your native country?
  • Do you enjoy camping? Tell about some places in your country to camp. Have you been camping in other country? If yes, tell about a camping trip – where you went, what you did, what you saw.
  • What is your favorite spring activity? Does your family (wife, husband, children, mother,
    father, brothers, or sisters) enjoy the same activity?

PHOTO CREDIT: www.korea.net/news/News/NewsView.asp?serial_n...


Money Doesn't Grow on Trees

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/20/2009 03:09:00 AM
Money doesn’t grow on trees. This lesson introduces students to four ways people get money—they find it, win it, receive it as a gift or earn it. Finding, winning and receiving money often depend on chance and luck. Most people get money by earning it.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you won a million dollars on a television game show? Or maybe someone would give you a lot of money as a gift? Of all the people you know, how many people have been so lucky? Most people get their money by working for it. If you need some extra money, earning it is usually the best route to choose.

Discuss the following:

1. How many people do you know who have won money in a contest or by gambling? Do you know anyone who has lost money by gambling?

2. Why do you think newspapers and television reporters make a big deal when someone wins a lot of money in a lottery or contest?

3. If you found a wallet or money, how could you find the owner?

4. When is it okay to keep money found?

5. On what special occasions do people get money as a gift?

6. How do most people get their money?




Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/20/2009 12:26:00 AM
e-busi·ness (e' biz' nis) …the transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies.

Every aspect of our lives is being changed by the Web. Yet no area is going through a significant and speedy change like the business world is today. Businesses start to achieve real business value as they incorporate Internet technology into their core processes. Today, companies small and large are using the Web to communicate with their partners, to connect with their back-end data-systems, and to Transact commerce. This is e-business, where the strength and the reliability of traditional information technology meet the Web.

Why you need E-Business?
By utilizing e-business based e-commerce solutions, companies can:

Improve margins by using a lower-cost online channel Reduce paper-based processes: postage, printing, and handling costs, through the use of electronic transfers, just-in-time payments, reduce float, furnish customers faster and a more responsive service.

E-commerce has garnered more attention than any aspect of e-business. The Web has had a remarkable impact on a wide number of industries with its remarkable ability to offer goods and services so conveniently.

Let’s Talk:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-business?
2. As a consumer, is online a reliable source of goods?
3. Would you venture in e-business? Why? Why not?
4. Do you think e-business is profitable in your country? Justify your answer.
5. Do you think quality products and services are guaranteed in ebusiness?
6. As a country known for the advancement in technology, do you think e-business can be fraud?
7. How does the government interfere in the problems caused by ebusiness? Is there a law promulgated for this?



Phrases to use in business letters and emails

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/17/2009 07:15:00 PM
Request for information
I am writing to inquire about . . .
I am writing in reference to . . .

I read/heard . . . and would like to know . . .

Could you please send me . . .
at the address below/above

Thank you for your assistance.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Response to request
Thank you for your interest/inquiry

Enclosed is the information you requested.
You can learn more about this at . . .

If you have further questions,
If you require assistance, please contact:

If I can be of more help, please feel free to contact me at . . .

Sample Sentences: Requests
Could you please send me your most recent brochure?
Could you fax me the results of the market survey?

I would like to order ten copies of the book, Touchy Situations.
I would be very grateful if you could send me this information.

Please return the enclosed envelope with your payment.

Sample Sentences: Goodwill
Thank you for your hospitality.
I enjoyed having lunch with you last week while I was in New York.

Congratulations on your promotion to General Manager.
I want(ed) to congratulate you on your new position.

I was happy to hear that contract negotiations went well.

Sample Sentences: Introduction of Product/Service
I am writing to tell you about . . .
(Our new product) is coming out next month.
This product/service is designed to (help you) . . .

Sample Sentences: Reference
I am writing in regard to . . .
I am writing in reference to . . .

Please refer to the enclosed invoice/brochure.
I hope you have had a chance to look over the materials we sent.

Sample Sentences: Confirmation
I am writing to confirm . . .
I would like to confirm what we discussed last Friday.
I would just like to confirm the main points we discussed . . .

Sample Sentences: Notification
I am writing to let you know that . . .
Please be aware / informed that . . .
I would like to inform you of a recent policy change. I am happy to inform
you that . . .
Your request for funding has been approved.

Sample Sentences: Offering Assistance
We would be happy to . . .
If we can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.

Sample Sentences: Collection
According to our records . . .
Our records show that . . .
Your monthly installment is past due.
Please send payment as soon as possible.


What people do for fashion

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/17/2009 06:56:00 PM

This is a photo of a famous singer from Ireland whose name is Sinead O'connor, she shaved her head because she wants people to admire her voice not her looks.

In class give your opinion about these topics:

In this photo even with a shaved head, she is still beautiful but for many people a girl with a shaved is not.

What is your opinion about girls who shave their heads?

Most people believe that if a girl has shaved her head, it must mean she is homosexual, would this also be your opinion and why?

In many societies, it is common that girls have long hair and boys have short. Why do you think that this is common; such as why in so many countries a girl with a shaved head is strange and If a boy has long hair he'll have trouble finding a job.

In ancient Egypt, people had to shave their heads because of Lice which are small insects that live in people's hair.
Buddhist nuns have to shave their heads and some African women have very short hair. Yet in most cultures, women with shaved heads is a strange sight.


Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/17/2009 06:55:00 PM

In this photo, the man have his piercings in the face but many people have them on other parts of their bodies.
In the west it, is very common for young people to have piercings and it is part of their fashion. First reason would be to stand out from the crowd and the other is to be accepted by those who stand out from the crowd. It is now so common that having piercings, you no longer stand out because almost everyone has one.

What is your opinion about having a piercing?

There are people who don't want one but some people actually have almost a hundred on their face. Most people consider them to be crazy but why do you think that these people would do such a thing?

Is just one piercing okay? If a person has one small piercing such as on the nostril, in your opinion is this acceptable? Explain your reason why you would think this.

If you were an employer and someone with a pierced face wanted you to give him/her a job, what would you say and do?

What would you do if your girl/boyfriend decided to get one, would you mind or would you have a problem with it and how would you react?

What would happen if all of your friends have a pierced face except for you and they all told you to go and get one, would you get one or leave your friends?

Some people do not want to pay a professional person to pierce them and get a friend instead by helping them to use a needle at home. What is your opinion about this such as is it crazy?

In India women have piercing because of tradition and religion but in the west it's because of fashion. What is your opinion about the difference between people who pierce because of their religion and someone because of fashion?




Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/16/2009 03:06:00 AM
In the West which workers receive promotions can be quite complicated. In the past loyalty was a prime factor, but as time goes by then productivity and results are becoming more influential. Above all, though sometimes "it is not what you know, but who you know”. This means that if someone has a personal relationship with a manager or a friend knows an executive in the company, then this person would receive the promotion. Other workers would then look at this situation as being unfair and would likely lose their enthusiasm to work hard as a result productivity of the other workers would probably fall as they feel as if they have no hope to move to a higher position in the company.

Discussion Points:

1. Would you want to work for a company that has a seniority-based or performance-based system?
*For example, would you prefer the former because then you do not have the stress of achieving demanding results or would you rather choose the latter because your career achievements are related to the quality of your work?

2. What are some problems of the performance-based system?
*For instance, how do you fairly evaluate a person in the administration department or how do you properly judge results from a team project?

3. What are key factors in receiving a promotion at the company where you work?

4. Would you resign if a junior staff member got promoted and became your boss?


stuck between a rock and a hard place- in a difficult situationI am stuck between a hard rock and a hard place because I do not agree with my boss, but he might be angry if I tell him.

In the old days- in the pastIn the old days women did not work outside the home.

climb the corporate ladder- climb to a higher position in the company It took 18 years to climb the corporate ladder and become the president.

on the other hand- on the contrary, from another point of viewI have an interesting job, but on the other hand it is not challenging.

a win-win situation- A time when both sides benefit or winIf I learned new skills for my job and the company paid for the course costs, then it is a win-win situation.


Hard times

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/14/2009 01:19:00 AM

A: Life is difficult nowadays.
B: Sure it is. I can hardly buy cheap items nowadays!
A: My salary’s not enough for me to buy things that I usually buy before.
B: I can’t even save!
A: Me either! Most of my salary is allocated in paying for bills and loans.
B: Well, it only means that we need to tighten our belts so that we won’t
A: That’s the only solution that we can do nowadays. Nobody can help us
but ourselves.
B: Correct. If we continue to spend so much, we won’t have enough money
to save for emergency cases.
A: That is why I am trying to limit the use of my cell phone, electricity, and
B: It will also help if we cut our unnecessary expenses like going out on
parties, buying expensive clothes, and other stuff.


1. Tighten our belts—need to economize or to save
2. Hard times— a time of difficulty
3. Allocated— To set apart for a special purpose; designate
4. Unnecessary— things that are not necessary or essential.


1. What solutions do the speakers thought of about saving money?
2. What happens when a person doesn’t save money?
3. Why one speaker did say that life is difficult nowadays?


1. Can you also say that life is difficult nowadays?
2. What are your ways of saving money?
3. Can you still buy expensive items nowadays?




Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/13/2009 01:37:00 AM

"Time Heals"

I feel sadness,
good times gone by.
I can see it in your weepy eyes,
it's time to say goodbye.

Well I load up the old pickup,
and head out for the hills.
I'm not quite sure where I'm going,
were I've been is hell

.....Where I've been is hell.

In time lies the answers.
In time things will heal.
In time things become clearer,
time heals
the hurt, ohh time heals the hurt.

Now I'm picking up the pieces,
the pieces of my life.
Some pieces are missing,
some just don't fit right......


Time to say goodbye

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/13/2009 01:31:00 AM

A: The time has come to say goodbye.
B: So soon. It seems as if you just got here.
A: I feel that way, too, but all good things must come to an end, they say.
B: It certainly has been a pleasure seeing you again and renewing old
A: I’ve had a delightful time and I really appreciate your spending so much
time showing me the sights.
B: Oh. It was fun for me, too. It gave me a chance to get away from my
routine and do something a little bit different.
A: You’ll be out to see us next year, then, as you promised?
B: Oh, yes. Unless something catastrophic comes up, that’s our present plan.
We should be there some time early in September.
A: We’ll be expecting you.

1. sights – tourist attractions
2. It was fun – it was enjoyable
3. to get away from – to escape
4. out to see us- come to see us
5. catastrophic –caused by a disaster

1. “ All good things must come to an end.” Is there a similar saying in your language?
2. Do you often visit friends and see the sights?
3. When did you last visit and renew old memories?
4. How often do you get away from your routine and do something different?




Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/13/2009 12:56:00 AM
Reading Comprehension

The word euthanasia comes from the Greek language, and it means “good death.” In English the word refers purposely ending a person’s life in order to stop the unbearable pain caused by an illness. The patients who are euthanized are terminally ill, meaning that they have no chance of recovery.

When a person is euthanized someone such as a doctor helps them die by making available to them some kind of lethal drug or deadly gas. It’s called “assisted suicide.” In those cases, the doctor doesn’t actually administer the drug or gas but only provides it for patient’s use. When the patient is ready to die, he or she administers it and dies alone.

One doctor in the USA, Dr. Jack Kavorkian, has become well-known for his assisted suicides. Since helping people die is against the law in his state, the doctor was arrested and tried in court several times. But every time he was brought into court the jury acquitted him. The jury always sided with him, seeing him as providing a service of kindness rather than as committing a crime.

Most people sympathize with a person who wants to end the pain and suffering, but for several reasons most government are reluctant to make euthanasia legal. As of 2002 doctor-assisted suicide was legal only in the Netherlands, Switzerland, the US state of Oregon, and in Australia’s Northern Territory.

If asked, most people will say that people who are suffering from incurable diseases would be better off if they died. But if they are asked if they support doctor-assisted suicide, most of them will say no. The reasons they usually give are:

  • Difficulty in determining who is terminally ill. Some people who are expected to die later get well. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen.

  • Religious beliefs. “God gives life, so only God should take it away.”

  • Spiritual beliefs. We come to this earth to face certain challenges and the overcome them. Suicide is a form of giving up and defeats the whole purpose of our lives.

  • It could lead to “suicide on demand.” People who are unhappy with their lives might someday be able to get help in dying whenever they want to. Considering all the depressed people there are in the world, it could turn into an epidemic of suicides.

  • Temporary period of depression. The person who decides to die could just be going through temporary period of depression but change his or her mind later.

Discussion questions
1. What is your opinion on suicide in general? Tell why you think so,
*People who commit suicide are very brave.
* People who commit suicide are cowards.
* People who commit suicide are mentally ill.

2. What is your opinion on doctor-assisted suicide? Which of these statements do you agree with and why?
* People who are in pain should have the right to decide if they want to.
* People should not have the right to end their lives whenever they want.
* It is okay in some cases only.

3. What do you think of doctors who help patients die?
4. Is there any difference between suicide from depression and euthanasia? Is one more acceptable than the other? Why or why not?
5. Is euthanasia legal in your country? If not, do you think the doctor-assisted suicide is ever performed secretly?




Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/13/2009 12:14:00 AM
As people get grayer they become more interested in planning for their retirement. Once upon a time, old folks were taken care of by their children. But now, only a few want to spend their “second life’ being coddled by their kids; instead many want to pursue their own interests without being burdened by their progeny, maybe for the first time in their adult lives. But of course they think financial independence is necessary. As a result, a movement is afoot for the creation of more jobs for the elderly, and some aggressive oldies are even demanding that the retirement age be lifted or made voluntarily.

Experience and dependability are pointed to as good reasons for hiring older people. One problem with hiring or keeping additional old workers, though, is that fewer jobs then are available for the young, who possibly need them even more-or else they will continue to depend on their parents to support the until employed. It seems that, whichever course they pursue, the old ones just can’t gain their independence from their offspring.

What does it mean?
1. To spend their “second life’ being coddled by their kids
2. Without being burdened by their progeny
3. Experience and dependability are pointed to as good reasons for hiring older people.
4. Fewer jobs then are available for the young

What do you think?
1. Where are you going to retire?
2. Are you saving for your retirement?
3. Do you think your children will coddle you on your retirement?
4. Do you think it is the responsibility of the children to take care of you when you retire?
5. Are you working hard for the welfare of your children?
6. Are you depending on the government funds for your retirement?
7. Is it alright if the old take care of the older ones instead of hiring younger people to care for all the old people?
8. Do you think it is alright if the children will still depend on their parents until they find a good career or fortune?
9. Why do you think the children should take care of their parents on retirement?
10. Are the children who put their parents in the retirement homes don’t like their parents?



Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/10/2009 01:29:00 AM
Everybody wants to have a successful social and private life. So, many people spend a great deal of time developing their personal skills and trying to develop fruitful relationships with influential figures. They think they must do these things in order to get ahead. But they are wasting their time unless they understand themselves. Before they try to exploit outside resources, they should first explore their inner selves and discover who they really are. If they cannot do so, they will get nowhere—no matter how hard they try. Many diagnostic tests are readily available for self-evaluation, and psychologists are convinced that the answers accurately describe. Others feel that these tools are no more accurate than horoscopes or other such non-scientific devices. However, used honestly and with common sense, the tests probably provide at least a good approximation of personality, and may be the beginning of wisdom (if knowing oneself is indeed what it means to be wise, as I think it does).

What does it mean?
… have a successful social and private life
… develop fruitful relationships with influential figures
… explore their inner selves and discover who they really are
… horoscopes or other such non-scientific devices
… good approximation of personality

What do you think?
1. What do you think about your personality?
2. Are you satisfied now with your present situation?
3. Have you ever used other people for your success or your own benefits?
4. Are you a self-driven person or are influenced by the people around you?
5. Do you believe in horoscopes or other non-scientific devices?
6. Are you conscious about what people say about your achievements or failures?
7. Are you a practical person?
8. Would you exchange love for money?
9. Are you confident about yourself?
10. Where do you think you would be 10 years from now?


Single Parenting

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/09/2009 02:40:00 AM

“You can do anything you want to do as long as you set your mind to it and stick with it”

I remember hearing those words from my mother ever since I was a little girl. Through the years I’ve grown up believing in them and using them as my inspiration. You see there is no one I admire more than my mother. When I was four my mother and father got separated. At that time my brother was only 2 years old. Being a single parent is a hard enough job in itself but my mother also worked full time.

Now most people who hear about this situation automatically assume that at least one if not both children ended up getting into some kind of trouble whether with the law or something else, but in this case that never happened. My mother taught all of us about morals, goals and rules, along with many other things. Granted my brothers and I got into fight with one another, but, hey, kids will be kids.

Even though she works all week, my mom always had time for us, whether it was to take us to our school or if we just needed someone to talk to. At one point I remember clearly that I had a speech problem, and she made me practice every night over and over again until I got it right.

All in all, I feel I can talk to my mother about anything, with her acting more as a friend than a parent. I realize that not everyone has a mother like mine, which makes me appreciate her even more. After everything she has done for me, I want to make her proud by being the first female in my family to go to college and get a degree.

What does this mean?
… to get a degree
Walks all week

What do you think?

1. What do you think is the emotion of the writer of this essay?
2. Do think the mother has raised her children well?
3. What can you say about single parenting?
4. Do you think it is an easy job to perform?
5. If you were of one of the children of a single parent, what would you think you can do to contribute to the family?
www. featured.geoparent.com


The Time to Quit

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/07/2009 04:59:00 AM
Have you ever felt like quitting your job and finding a better workplace? We all have rough, stressful days when we feel like giving up and "looking for greener pastures."

Things are not what we wanted them to be: we wanted to do excellently at our work, but we make mistakes and we get criticized for that. We needed sympathy but all we get sometimes is the rejection of an insensitive, coldly professional workplace. We look for commiseration, and sure, we get that from our caring friends, but after we blow off steam and get back to our office, we feel we couldn't take this "impersonality" anymore. We plod on, doing our job as efficiently as we could and sure enough, we get praise, and for a moment we smile and feel high. But things aren't going as smoothly as we want. We feel mediocre, spent, and stressed out.

What does it mean?
1. looking for greener pastures
2. The rejection of an insensitive, coldly professional workplace.
3. Blow off steam
4. Things aren't going as smoothly as we want
5. We feel mediocre, spent, and stressed out.

What do you think?
1. Is personal happiness an important element in staying on with your job? Why?
2. What do you think about the blue bird syndrome? Does it help if you always transfer from one company to another?
3. What are the reasons why people quit their jobs? A disagreeable boss? Conflict with colleagues? Unhealthy working conditions? Or plain boredom?
4. Given the chance, would you prefer to be the boss of your own company? What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages?
5. Do you think there is a reward for being loyal to your company?
6. Some people who quit their jobs take a creative hobby in order to recharge their energy. Do you think it is a good way of getting rid of work-related stress?


Mending a broken heart

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/06/2009 07:14:00 AM
There are so many reasons that cause broken hearts. That leads to despair and frustration. It could be a failure in love life, family problems, failure in career, so on and so forth. Sometimes it is very impossible for us to overcome and surpass such crises. Some people think that that will be the end of their life and end of their existence. But this may just occurs in times of pains and problems. Because of so much heartaches and sacrifices only to find out at the end there is no clear destination for all of those efforts. But the only clear thing is that you should mend your broken heart and start up with new life and new beginning.

Mending a broken is not as easy as pie. It can’t be done no clear destination for all of those efforts It can’t be work out just by an overnight or even a day. It will take a lot of adjustments and healing time for a person to move on. People around will be a big help in picking up the broken pieces of one’s heart.

What does these mean?
No clear destination for all of those efforts
No clear destination for all of those efforts
Picking up the broken pieces of one’s heart.

What do you think?

1. What makes you depressed most of the time?
2. Have you ever experienced to be broken-hearted?
3. What do you do when you are broken-hearted?
4. Do you seek advices to somebody when you encounter problems?
5. To whom do you usually go and ask an advice, to your friends or parents?


Useful Phrases

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/06/2009 05:25:00 AM
Week 1

Bored to death

"I have nothing to do. I’m bored to death."
"I hate it when I’m bored to death."
"Would you rather be super busy or bored to death?"

A: "Hey Seth, what are you doing?"
B: "I’m reading book. What are you doing?"
A: "I’m bored to death. Let’s do something."
B: "Sure. Come over and we can play some games."

Other Common Sentences
"I’m so bored, I could die."
"I’m dying of boredom."

You've got to be kidding

A: "Hey Jared. Mom told me to tell you that you shouldn’t stay out too late."
B: "You’ve got to be kidding me. I’m 30 years old."

A: "Patrick won the school election by two votes."
B: "He’s not that popular how did this happen?"
A: "Nobody voted because they expected Jason to win."
B: "You’ve got to be kidding me."

Other Common Sentences
"I really hope you’re wrong."
"Please tell me it ain’t so."

Sick and Tired

"I’m sick and tired of eating the same thing for lunch everyday."
"I’m getting sick and tired of this song. They play it way too often at this club."
"I’m sick and tired of listening to him nag all the time."

A: "Where are you going for lunch today?"
B: "I don’t know… how about a burger?"
A: "No. I eat that almost everyday. I’m getting sick and tired of them."
B: "Let’s go eat teriyaki then."

Other Common Sentences
"I’m getting sick of this phone. I think I’ll buy a new one."
"I’m tired of the same routine. I need to find something new and different."

Call it a day

"Let’s call it a day. I’m too tired to continue working."
"We can’t continue working without Mike, so let’s call it a day."
"It’s already nine o’clock. Let’s call it a day."

A: "How much more work do we have for tonight?"
B: "I think we finished everything for the day."
A: "Good. Let’s call it a day then."

Other Common Sentences
"Let’s turn in for the night."
"I think we should pick it up from the morning."

pick it up = continue

Get on one's nerves

"You’re beginning to get on my nerves."
"Will you please stop doing that? It’s getting on my nerves."
"His whining is getting on my nerves."

A: "He doesn’t like his birthday present."
B: "He’s starting to get on my nerves. It’s one thing to not like it, but it’s another to complain about it. We tried our best to get him a good present."
A: "Yeah. It’s bothering me too."

Other Common Sentences
"You’re beginning to annoy me."
"His complaints are starting to bother me."


News: TV Rots the Brain

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/06/2009 01:32:00 AM
For years and years, parents and educators have warned about too much TV. They say that it rots the brain. Another report with new research confirms this. Investigators followed a community of 678 mother-child pairs in upstate New York. All the children were 14 years old, and the study continued for eight years. The report concluded that learning and attention problems increased with the number of hours of TV that was watched. And with shorter attention spans, the children usually did poorer at school.

The researchers disclose that several points aren't clear. Does TV lead to lower grades? Do children with lower grades turn to TV more than better students? Or does increased TV time and lower grades come from poverty and neglect? But the outcome remained clear for those glued to the idiot box. These children were less likely to work hard at school. They avoided homework, were bored in the classroom, dropped out of high school, and often had a general hatred toward school and learning.

Children in first world countries around the world generally watch two or more hours of TV every day. According to this new set of research, two hours seems to be the recommended limit. Children in the study who watched two hours or less, and then increased their TV time by one hour, doubled their risk of learning difficulties. Children with two hours or more in front of the TV, and who then lowered their viewing time by one hour, halved their risk for failure.

The researchers offered a way to prevent children from becoming couch potatoes. They suggested schools and community centers develop more activities after school. It would help limit how many hours children watch TV during their teen years.

Questions: Answer the questions to check comprehension.
1. What did research confirm about TV?
2. What specifically happened to children who watched TV?
3. How many hours of TV do children in first world countries watch every day?
4. What happened when children watched more than two hours?
5. What can be done to prevent children from watching too much TV?

Comprehension: Talk about the following questions. Remember to support your answers!
1. How many hours of TV did you watch per week when you were a child?
2. Did TV affect your schoolwork? If yes, how?
3. Would you limit how many hours your children watch TV? Why/not?
4. What would you do if your child's grades were poor?
5. Would you ever consider getting rid of your TV? Why/not?



Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/06/2009 12:54:00 AM

On Saturday, the world went dark for Earth Hour. At tourist destinations, businesses, and private homes, lights were dimmed or switched off for one hour at precisely 8:00 pm. The purpose was to emphasize the need for radical change to the world's current energy policies, and thereby encourage people everywhere to make much-needed changes to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

It's estimated that more than one billion people in over ninety countries took part in the event. Executive director Andy Ridley said that such a conscious change, even if for one hour, would raise awareness and generate discussions on what can and should be done to reduce energy consumption. Even in the dismal economic climate, when most people are focused on job security, meeting financial obligations, and cutting expenses, the conversation on greenhouse gases and global warming must continue. Such widespread participation, said the organizers of the event, clearly indicated that people desire strong action on climate change.

Others weren't so optimistic, and actually stopped just short of outright condemnation. The problem wasn't in the event itself, which successfully received media coverage and generated a moderate amount of awareness. Here the organizers and press touting the event as successful were correct. However, critics said that Earth Hour most likely gave participants the false illusion that they had made a change. Yet one hour doesn't equal the drastic adjustments required of everyone every day. People must opt for public transportation, green technology in homes and workplaces, and clean energy sources. In the long run, Earth Hour could actually cause more harm than good.

Do you agree or disagree? Why?
1. I use too much energy!
2. People in my country use too much energy!
3. I am very concerned about global warming and the future.
4. The environment and changes in climate will be much worse in twenty years.
5. The planet is becoming warmer, but global warming isn't caused by humans.

Talk about the following questions:
1. Did you participate in Earth Hour? If yes, how so? If no, why not?
2. How do you protect the environment? Please explain.
3. What's your opinion on Earth Hour? Is it favorable or negative? Why?
4. Do you think Earth Hour will have long-term effects on climate change? Why/not?
5. Because of global warming, what do you think the future will be like? Please explain.


Job offer

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/02/2009 02:46:00 PM


A: Did you hear the latest about Danny?
B: No. What happened to him?
A: Nothing happened to him exactly. He is going to move to Seattle.
B: To Seattle? That’s a long way from here! What in the world made him
decide to move to Seattle?
A: He got this terrific job offer. I guess the salary was so good. He just couldn’t turn it down.
B: Well. It certainly will be a switch for him to be living in a place where it rains a lot. You know what a sun lover he is.
A: I guess if you are earning lots of money you will learn to like rain.
B: I don’t know. I’ve never have a chance to learn. I’ve never had a lot of

What in the world – what on earth
Terrific – remarkable; extraordinary
Job offer – opportunity for employment
Turn down – to refuse
To switch – to change
To earn good money – to receive a good salary

Are the speaker’s friends or relatives?
Who is Danny?
Where is Seattle?
Where are the speakers?
Why are they discussing Danny?

What is a good salary in your country?
Do people in your country often move to new locations or jobs because of better salaries?
Are you a sun lover or do you prefer a rainy climate?



Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/02/2009 07:16:00 AM

My employer is being sued for sexual harassment. I, and at least a dozen other employees, must give a deposition very soon. We have discussed whether or not to tell what we have seen but fear losing our jobs. Many of us would like to see the company atmosphere improve, but we are afraid to come forward.

The executives, from the top on down (including the head of personnel), have harassed some women and created a hostile environment here. The woman who is suing was terminated for refusing to have sexual relations with some top male executives.

What does it mean?

1. Sexual harassment
2. Deposition
3. We are afraid to come forward.
4. The woman who is suing was terminated

What do you think?

Have you ever heard any news in your country about sexual harassment?
Would you tell the truth about the fired fellow worker in court, even though you were liable to be fired?
If a person lied in court for fear of losing his job, should we criticize him for lying?


Black Day

Posted by Renddy Rose Rodriguez on 4/02/2009 05:41:00 AM
Whether you love it or despise it, almost everyone around the world knows Saint Valentine's Day. Then there's White Day on March 14th, when men who received chocolate buy sweets for women. Fewer people have heard of Sweetest Day, though, which is a holiday crafted by candy makers in the US for mid-October. Loved ones purchase candy and small gifts for each other on this day. But have you ever heard of Black Day?

Black Day is a uniquely Korean holiday. It was created in response to the overly sweet Valentine's Day and White Day. Like some other countries, Koreans have adopted the tradition of obligatory chocolate for both holidays. Women give chocolate not only to husbands or boyfriends, but to male coworkers, friends, and love interests on Valentine's Day. Men do the same for women on White Day. The amount of chocolate one receives gauges the popularity of the person.

Black Day, which falls on April 14th, lets the loveless sympathize with one another. People who didn't receive any chocolate or gifts on either Valentine's Day or White Day wear black clothes. Black advertises their single status, and sort of offers the opportunity to meet similarly single men and women. People who celebrate Black Day also eat a noodle dish with black bean sauce, drink alcohol, and gripe about romance and love. There aren't any presents to buy. There aren't any unfulfilled hopes. Few people know about the holiday outside of Korea, and perhaps this is the best part about the day. It hasn't been marketed and sold to the consumer like its opposite counterparts in February and March.

Do you agree or disagree?
1. Saint Valentine's Day is the best holiday of the year!

2. If I'm single on Saint Valentine's Day, I feel lonely and depressed.

3. There's a lot of pressure to buy gifts and have romantic dinners on Valentine's Day.

4. I wish there were a holiday to celebrate being single.

5. All holidays are a complete waste of time!


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