The “extreme employee” or workaholic works long hours and is very dedicated to the company. He believes that he could and should always do more and often works a 70-hour week. He is available to clients and office emergencies 24-7 and takes far fewer vacation days than he is allotted, about ten days or less per year. Research has found out that most extreme employees are dissatisfied. More than half believe they would be physically healthier with less work. A lack of free time also harms the relationship with their children. Slightly less than half complained that the long hours negatively influenced spousal relations.
Experts recommend getting the seventy-hour workweek down to forty-five hours, if possible. Although corporations haven't accomplished this feat for high-impact jobs, some major corporations are trying. American Express, Johnson & Johnson, Lehman Brothers, and more than thirty other companies are working to reduce the pressure on managers to perform and produce.
a) How many hours do your work per week?
b) How does your job affect your relationship with your family or friends?
c) Would you take a 50% salary cut if it meant working only 25 hours per week?
d) What is you dream job?
e) If parents work more and more, how will this affect future generations of children?
f) Could you do more for your company? Should you do more?
g) Do you like working?
h) Do you think that you have worked too hard in the past and not received the appropriate reward?
i) If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
j) Who is your business idol or role model?
k) What in your life drives you to do things?
l) What it the worst job that you have ever had?
OPINIONS: agree or disagree?
1. Overtime should be banned.
2. Overtime will always be an important part of working. It will never disappear.
3. Governments should create a maximum of 40 hours a week for all workers.
4. Company profits are much more important than the health of workers.
5. Working overtime is natural. It shows a worker’s loyalty to a company.
6. Without overtime, many companies would die.
7. Workers should not complain. They should be grateful they have a job.